UBF News

Southeast Region United Summer Bible Conference Report, USA

Aug 19, 2011

The Southeast Summer Bible Conference was held by the Atlanta, Memphis, Raleigh, and Tampa UBF ministries at Kennesaw State University on August 5-7. M. Wesley Y's fam(...)


Bogota UBF Visit Report, Colombia

Aug 19, 2011

On the evening of July 24, I arrived in Bogota, Colombia and stayed at Caleb L.'s house. We had Sunday worship service at 10 pm at M. Andrew P.'s house church. From J(...)


H.O.T. (Harper, Oakton, and Truman) Bible School Report, Chi...

Aug 18, 2011

From August 12-13, the H.O.T. (Harper, Oakton, & Truman) Student Genesis Summer Bible School was held at the Leningrad house in Chicago. The Bible school was from 1:00-9:(...)


Canadian UBF Staff Education Conference Report

Aug 16, 2011

We had the Canadian UBF Staff Education Conference at a retreat center in a suburb of Montreal from August 12-13. Dr. John P. from Kwangju II UBF lectured on Christian church(...)


Chicago CBF Summer Bible Conference 2011

Aug 14, 2011

True Freedom “To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth w(...)


Prayer request for Ha-young's surgery (M. John & Gloria Jeon...

Aug 14, 2011

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1) I always praise and thank God whenever I think about our family who has been able to(...)


M. Mark and Rebekah Yang’s family pioneers College of Charls...

Aug 13, 2011

Thank and praise God for his infinite mercy and love for us. Our family has a good news to share with you. Last Friday I received the official job letter (as a visi(...)


LA UBF Summer Bible Conf. Report, LA

Aug 09, 2011

During the last weekend of July, we had a Summer Bible Conference at a mountain conference center about two hours away from Los Angeles. The title was: “If anyone would come(...)


Fourth UBF General Director Inaugural Address by Pastor Abraham Kim (Video)

Aug 07, 2011

Video File   August 6, 2011 “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his povert(...)


2nd gen. David Kim Jr's testimony and Tempe UBF Prayer Topic...

Aug 05, 2011

JESUS CHRIST, MY SAVIOR “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.” Part I – YOU(...)


A beautiful wedding between Paul and Lydia Lee, North York,...

Aug 04, 2011

The first marriage among the second gens in Canada We thank God for establishing a beautiful family and house church between shepherd Paul Lee Jr. and missionary Lydia Sh(...)


A beautiful wedding between Spencer and Sarah Luebben, Minne...

Aug 03, 2011

The family of Spencer and Sarah Luebben was established on July 30, 2011 in a ceremony held at the Alumni Hall on the University of Minnesota campus in Minneapolis. About(...)
