UBF News

Anna Christine Toh was born!, Chicago

Sep 28, 2011

We are so thankful to God for a quick and healthy delivery of Anna Christine Toh. She was born on Sept 22nd at 6:49 am. She was 8lbs 3oz and 20 3/4 in. We give here Luke 1:46,47.(...)


2011 Pretoria UBF Spring Bible Conference Report, South Afri...

Sep 22, 2011

Pretoria UBF in South Africa had a spring conference on September 9-11, 2011. Its theme was “Jesus, the Passover Lamb.” We studied Exodus 12, John 8, and John 19.(...)


9th Annual Founders Day Program, Chicago

Sep 16, 2011

9th Annual Founders Day Program 1. Date: October 7 at 6:30 pm 2. Place: Chicago UBF 3. Theme: Asia, Ripe For Harvest (John 4:35) 4. Speakers Welcoming Message: Abra(...)


M. Luke Hong's testimony, Canada

Sep 13, 2011

Farewell testimony Therefore, my son, be strong in the grace 2 Timothy 2:1 “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” This verse is my(...)


2011 LA CBF Summer Bible Camp Report, LA

Sep 11, 2011

This year, we had a CBF Summer Bible Camp at the Pali Mountain Retreat center which is located in between Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear. This was a three day confer(...)


New Canada Director Inauguration address by Dr. Henry Kim

Sep 09, 2011

Key Verse2 Timothy 4:5 “But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardships, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.” Dear(...)


Humber Bible House Dedication Ceremony Report, Canada

Sep 09, 2011

“A Spiritual House of Holy Priesthood” “As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him— you als(...)


Life testimony of Shs. Grace Martin and Scotland Mission Pra...

Sep 08, 2011

“Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.  And I will make you into a great nation.  I w(...)


2011 Kwangju 3 Summer Bible Conference Report, Korea

Aug 23, 2011

Forgiveness Kwangju 3 UBF held their Summer Bible Conference at Mt. Sunwoon youth hostel in Gochang, Jeonbuk from July 23rd to 26th. The theme of the conference was &#(...)


Beautiful Wedding between David and Jieun Choi, Chicago

Aug 23, 2011

  After thunder and lightening all the morning, the bright sunshine in the afternoon was more precious than any other time. On that special day of August 20, 2011(...)


The 2011 Columbus UBF Romans Bible School report

Aug 21, 2011

We thank God for enabling us to finish the study of Romans this summer. Through Romans study, God helped us to learn his universal way of salvation for all kinds of sinners, th(...)


Celebrate the grace of Sam Lincoln’s baptism! (1 Samuel 3:19...

Aug 20, 2011

  For the 5 last years, Dr. Liz and I have been closely observing Sam’s growth in wisdom and stature. One day when he was just 5, he said that Jesus is God and(...)
