UBF News

NEIU Joseph Bible School, Chicago

Aug 02, 2011

Thank and praise God for blessing our NEIU Genesis Bible Academy. (prayer meetings, During our prayer meeting (7/18-22), 15 speakers covered f(...)


H.O.T. (Harper, Oakton, and Truman) Bible School Report

Jul 27, 2011

H.O.T. (Harper, Oakton, and Truman Colleges) had a Missionary/Shepherd Summer Bible School from July 22-23 at the Leningrad house in Chicago. The Bible school went from 9 a.m.(...)


A beautiful house church between Victor and Maria, Chicago

Jul 26, 2011

  Victor Velasco (UIC) and Maria Ramirez (NEIU) established a beautiful house church at 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 23 at Chicago Center. Their family members, relative(...)


Toledo UBF Joshua Student Symposium Report

Jul 24, 2011

Toledo UBF has been studying the book of Joshua interspersed with relevant New Testament passages since January 2011. We completed a 10 lesson study this month and held a Joshu(...)


Ruth Sarang Brinkerhoff was born!, Ottawa

Jul 24, 2011

Dear friends, I'd like to joyfully announce the birth of Ruth Sarang (meaning Love) Brinkerhoff on Sunday, July 17, 2011 in Ottawa, Canada. She was born 7 lbs and 13 oz,(...)


St. Louis Summer Bible Academy Report

Jul 23, 2011

According to Luke 12:32, we know how much it pleases Jesus to give his kingdom to his people. The St. Louis UBF co-workers deeply experienced Jesus’ kingdom through the(...)


UBC (University of British Columbia) Pioneering News, Vanco...

Jul 23, 2011

UBC is a world famous university in Vancouver, on the northwestern Pacific shore with many beautiful forests and beaches. Students are from very diverse ethnic and cultur(...)


Anna was born to sh. Ilya's family, Chicago

Jul 20, 2011

Anna was born on July 15. We named her Anna which means grace. Her middle name is Ruth, a courageous woman of faith. We pray that God may grow her as a woman full of grace and(...)


Dr. Abraham Omadin's Testimony (He goes back to Uganda from...

Jul 20, 2011

GO MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and t(...)


Tri-Cities, Washington pioneering news by Dr. Abraham Jung

Jul 17, 2011

My family had been serving Columbia UBF with M. Samuel and Ruth’s family and many other precious co-workers in New York City from 2004 to 2009. After getting my PhD degre(...)


2011 UBF Newsletter (50th World Mission Report)

Jul 16, 2011

UBF Press has published a new UBF World Missions Newsletter (World Mission Report). You can view and download the newsletter.  Click here to view this issue.


Priscilla Sarang Ryzewski was born!, Chicago

Jul 16, 2011

Gift from God: PRISCILLA SARANG RYZEWSKI             A soon to be member of BBF---Priscilla Sarang Ryzewski 1 Cor. 13(...)
