Ruth Sarang Brinkerhoff was born!, Ottawa

Dear friends,

I'd like to joyfully announce the birth of Ruth Sarang (meaning Love) Brinkerhoff on Sunday, July 17, 2011 in Ottawa, Canada. She was born 7 lbs and 13 oz, healthy, and very cute. We named her Ruth with the prayer that she may be a faithful and pure woman who values the Lord and the Lord's inheritance like Ruth in the Bible. We named her Sarang (Korean meaning Love) with the prayer that she may show God's love to His empty people in Canada and, in God's time, to North Korea as He opens the way. The mother Dana is doing well and both are now at home resting. I've attached a picture of the new baby! Thank you for your prayers for our family and for campus mission in Ottawa and Canada.

God bless!

In Christ,
Joshua Brinkerhoff
Ottawa UBF
