H.O.T. (Harper, Oakton, and Truman) Bible School Report

H.O.T. (Harper, Oakton, and Truman Colleges) had a Missionary/Shepherd Summer Bible School from July 22-23 at the Leningrad house in Chicago. The Bible school went from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m each day. The total number of attendees was 32.

There were 6 Bible speakers and 11 testimony sharers. We studied Hebrew chapter 11, the faith chapter, with the title “Faith that pleases God.” We had group Bible study four times and four main lectures: Lecture I, “Faith that Pleases God” by Dayani Pieri; Lecture II, “The Faith of Abraham” by Val Gava; Lecture III, “The Faith of Moses” by Charles Womack; and Lecture IV, “Faith that Overcomes the World” by Angie Mederich. Rutilo Mendoza delivered the opening message titled, “Come, Let Us Reason Together” (Isa 1:18), and Dennis Miller delivered the closing message titled, “Whom Shall I Send?” (Isa 6:8). Through the conference key verse 11:6, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him,” we concluded two things to believe: God’s existence and God who rewards. After the Bible school on Saturday, we watched the movie, “The Ultimate Gift.”

Through the Bible school, we saw the vision to pioneer Harper College and pioneer a Teachers Bible Fellowship (TBF). We finished the Bible school with prayers for Harper College and TBF.

For the Bible school, Jack Magardician, the principal of the Bible school, prayed hard and worked hard staying up until 3 a.m. on Friday night. Also, Mark Mederich made the Bible School very joyful with a short and meaningful skit for each lecture.
