NEIU Joseph Bible School, Chicago

Thank and praise God for blessing our NEIU Genesis Bible Academy. (prayer meetings, During our prayer meeting (7/18-22), 15 speakers covered from Genesis chapter 1 to 36 in order to help understand Joseph’s story better. Through Joseph’s Bible Academy (7/25-29) God raised 5 speakers and 20 testimony speakers.

Our Bible Academy title was “Joseph, the shadow of Jesus.” We prayed that we may learn the God of Joseph, Joseph’s faith and know Jesus through Joseph. Average attendee was 65 and it reached 96 different people who came at least one time.

The first day: Darren's message titled, “Joseph the dreamer, Judah the dubious” (G37-38). The second day: “Joseph overcame temptations” (G39) by Jonathan. The third day: Damon's message, “God was with Joseph in prison” (G40-41) On the fourth day, Carlos wholeheartedly delivered his message, “Joseph helped his brothers to repent” (G42-44) Fifth day: Matt Grotzer delivered his message, “Joseph, the shadow of Jesus.” Among the testimonies, Fernando’s testimony revealed the God of Joseph as God of his house church with tearful and joyful testimony. M. Barry, P. Abraham, Sarah and Sunji came and blessed us to be a lighthouse for NEIU, North America and the world.

Through this Bible Academy all of us had great joy to participate at least in one activity as a speaker, a testimony speaker, a dancer, a musician, an actor in a skit, a presider and food service to praise God.  Everyone worked beautifully together. May God raise many Josephs of faith in this generation especially in our NEIU campus.  May God use them in his world redemptive history.

By Daniel Y Kim
