UBF News

Dr. James Hong's family goes back to Kyungsung UBF from NU (...

Jul 15, 2011

2011 TESTIMONY: YOU ARE A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD Key verse: 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you(...)


New baby Chanyoung Hong was born, Texas A & M UBF

Jul 14, 2011

Praise God for the birth of their second baby, Chanyoung Hong, a gift of God's grace, to Dr. James and M. Lydia (Texas A&M UBF) on July 5. Both M. Lydia and the baby ar(...)


The first Northwest regional Summer Bible Conf. Report

Jul 13, 2011

“The Father’s Love” “So he got up and went to his father. "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compa(...)


Pray for Tim's Afghanistan service, Milwaukee

Jul 11, 2011

Recently Shepherd Tim left for Afghanistan to serve his tour of duty as a military reservist.  He will be staying there for six months. Please pray for h(...)


Rebecca Rose was born!, Chicago

Jul 10, 2011

  Praise God for the birth of Rebecca Rose, a gift of God's grace, to Anthony and Rose Llereza on June 22. She weighed 6 pounds, 11.8 ounces and was 20 inches tall.&(...)


NYUBF Summer Retreat Report

Jul 09, 2011

“Amazing Grace” “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see.” (John 9:25) NYUBF had 2011 Sumer(...)


M. Deborah was sent the Columbia UBF, New York

Jul 09, 2011

M. Deborah Kim was sent from Gwangju I to the Columbia center in New York on June 28. She got a PhD at Chonnam National University in Biomechanical Engineering. She will r(...)


Seattle Update and Prayer request for the First Northwest US...

Jul 08, 2011

Following Dr. John Jun's encouragement, Seattle UBF began Group Bible Study-Style Sunday worship services. Dr. Philip Won, M. Abraham Song and S. Benjamin take turn to(...)


2011 Canadian National Summer Bible Conf. Report

Jul 07, 2011

Because He First Loved Us "We love because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19) We praise God for blessing the 2011 Canadian SBC with 270 attendants from June 30th(...)


M. Peter Cho's family moved to Durham, NC

Jul 07, 2011

Recently, my family moved to Durham, North Carolina. My daughter Hannah was accepted at Duke University and I got a full-time Math instructor position at Rowan-Cabarrus Com(...)


Pauline and Junkil Park's wedding news, Korea

Jul 05, 2011

  There was a wedding between Pauline Park from Columbus UBF, daughter of Dr. Henry Park, and Junkil Park from Anam UBF on July 2, 2011 at Christian Yon-Hap Confer(...)


Denver UBF Update by M. Maria Jung

Jul 03, 2011

Thank God for blessing upon UBF 50th anniversary and seminar abundantly and giving us clear directions and vision for the next 50 years. May God continue to use UBF for raising d(...)
