Seattle Update and Prayer request for the First Northwest USA regional conf.

Following Dr. John Jun's encouragement, Seattle UBF began Group Bible Study-Style Sunday worship services. Dr. Philip Won, M. Abraham Song and S. Benjamin take turn to lead the GBS while ending with a short summary message at the end. All attendants seem to like this because everybody can participate in the well prepared Bible study with power point (as attached as an example) and receive one word through this worship service. Dr. Philip (7 years in Seattle ministry) prays to get a faculty position soon according to God's will. M. Abraham Song (3 years) settled down to serve the ministry with vigor. S. Ben (1 month) likes to join Sunday worship service while preparing to teach Isaac (HBF) and Joy Song (MBF).

Seattle UBF will have the first united conference  among the chapters in northwest region on July 8-10 with three other chapters: Msn. Joshua Park's family in Victoria, Canada, Msn. John Kim's family in Vancouver, and Dr. Abraham Jung's family in Tri-city, WA.

Please pray for this conference.

Title: "The Father's Love"

1. Speakers:

Opening: Abraham Jung: (Jn 3:16)
Message 1: Joshua Park (Lk 15)
Message 2: Philip Won (Lk 8)
Closing: John Kim (1 Pet 2)
Special message: Dr. Jose Ahn

Through this, chapters in northwestern region may love and support each other.

In Christ,
Philip Won
