Denver UBF Update by M. Maria Jung

Thank God for blessing upon UBF 50th anniversary and seminar abundantly and giving us clear directions and vision for the next 50 years. May God continue to use UBF for raising disciples of Jesus among college students.

I just wanted to share some updates and news.

Peter Curry who had studied the Bible with M. Abraham Nahm and M. Abraham Kim will be coming here, Denver, due to his company transition. According to his email, he is eager to join us and get disciple training in Denver UBF. Please pray for him and us that we make a beautiful vessel and love relationship in Christ and Peter Curry may grow in the word of God.

We are studying Joshua this summer and it's been very encouraging and gracious. May God pour the Holy Spirit on M. Jeremiah Jung to serve the message each week.

By the grace of God, our family purchased the house and will move soon after about 11 years of common life at the house church/center. Although we didn't have enough money at all, God intervened so that the whole process went so smoothly. We thank God for his amazing grace for this matter. So now we are praying about how we will manage the center, we don't want to leave the center as an empty house. We are thinking if Peter Curry has a desire to live in the center and receive disciple training while he may sacrifice his privacy and serve through cleaning the center.  One of missionary families move in, either way might be good. We are not sure at this point what is best. May God please lead this to glorify Him and guide for good for the center and the person.

Women missionaries have been praying together through on-line google chatting every Tuesday because two families are living far from the center and two women missionaries have not mastered driving skills yet. God blessed richly our on-line prayer meeting like five loaves and two fish. .When we prayed for M. Joseph's working environment, God has started to change the owner of company amazingly. It is still going on now and we are praying that M. Joseph may have better working conditions and environment so that he can have more time for serving God and his flocks in a new company. M. Abe and Esther are serving CU Boulder campus with prayer and have been teaching three Korean 2nd gen in CU campus faithfully. M. Esther will give birth her first baby soon. Please pray for her.

M. John and Lydia Lee from St. Louis are visiting here. They are praying while marching around DU campus as we learned in Joshua study last week with prayerful and sincere hearts. May God be with them and guide them also the best way.

DU is really like a Jericho for us. It's been so hard and so long to raise one firm disciple of Jesus. But we learned what we need to do is to consecrate ourselves, take off our dirty sandals and hearts and completely obey to God's command then God will do it. God will collapse DU like a spiritual Jericho and deliver it to us. May God help us to repent with sincere heart and obey God's command so that we may see a great victory and amazing work of God in here Denver.

Thank you so much again for all your love and prayer for us always.