NYUBF Summer Retreat Report

“Amazing Grace”

“Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see.” (John 9:25)

NYUBF had 2011 Sumer Retreat at the Rosendale Retreat Center near Kingston NY on July 1-3. Conference theme was “Amazing Grace.” Six messages were based on John 9:1-41 (I was blind but now I see), John 11:38-45 (If you believed.), John 4:1-26 (Quenched by God’s Love), 1 Peter 2:9-10 (A Royal Priesthood), John 15:1-17 (Remain in Me) and John 6:25-71 (I Am the Bread of life), which were delivered by Benelly Peralta, Karen Jung, Becky Song, William Kim, David Baik Jr and Saehan Hwang. The total number of conference participation is 131. Msn. William and Marie Kim (LSU) who would be leaving for Indonesia as a missionary family joined us. We enjoyed their fellowship and participation a lot. New York elder missionaries anointed them with prayers. Msn. Peter Cho and his daughter Hannah from North Carolina also joined the conference. They drove 10 hours one way. Throughout 2 nights and 3 days conference, we spent a lot time in Bible study through 3 Group Bible discussions, meditation, writing and sharing Bible testimonies, through which we renewed God’s amazing grace. Praise worship bands energized us to fully engage in our 3 days-intensive Bible retreat. HBF members’ skit and duo drama performances before the messages moved everyone to laugh and even cry. Saturday night’s testimony sharing and praise worship and prayer were one of the high lights. They were pretty emotional touching and dynamic. We see our young leaders are taking the major role in our ministry. We pray that all of us may grow in the grace of Jesus as we participate in one-to-one Bible study and discipleship.

Reported by M. David
