Pauline and Junkil Park's wedding news, Korea


There was a wedding between Pauline Park from Columbus UBF, daughter of Dr. Henry Park, and Junkil Park from Anam UBF on July 2, 2011 at Christian Yon-Hap Conference Center in Seoul, Korea.


Shepherd David Kim, the Korean UBF director, officiated the wedding with a very gracious address based on Genesis 12:2b “You will be a blessing.” He shared how God saved Junkil Park and Pauline Park and used both of them as a blessing to their families and the work of God. He prayed for them to be a blessing in Korea and America.


David Kim, Samuel H. Lee, James Suh, Paul B Rhee, Elijah Lee, Samuel Choi and Moses Yoon prayed for this new family. Chicago second-gens and Anam brothers and sisters sang special songs to celebrate the wedding. God’s blessing was overflowing throughout the wedding ceremony. They are praying to be a professor shepherd family in America. Thank you for your love and prayer for this family.
