Toledo UBF Joshua Student Symposium Report

Toledo UBF has been studying the book of Joshua interspersed with relevant New Testament passages since January 2011. We completed a 10 lesson study this month and held a Joshua Student Symposium on July 14-16. Our student leaders each took ownership of one of the lessons and prepared testimony messages.




Lesson 1: Joshua 1

Be Strong and Courageous

Kati Cawood

Lesson 2: Joshua 2

Rahab’s Faith

Hyerim You

Lesson 3: Joshua 3 & 4

Crossing the Jordon

Albert Hong

Lesson 4: Joshua 5

Circumcision at Gilgal

Kirk Kayser

Lesson 5: Joshua 6

The Jericho Battle

Alberto Vizuet

Lesson 6: Joshua 7

Achan’s Sin

Courtney Richards

Lesson 7: Joshua 8

Victory at Ai

Jude Roh

Lesson 8: Joshua 9 & 10a

The Sun Stands Still

Esther Paik

Lesson 9: Joshua 14

Caleb’s Wholehearted Faith

Anthony Coca

Lesson 10: Joshua 24

Israel Served the LORD

John Wilson

5 lessons were covered on Thursday night and then another 5 on Friday night, and on Saturday we had a ministry-wide barbeque. Through their presentations, we could see the themes of strength and courage, facing crossroads and turning points, and finding victory after failure. Each student was able to articulate and communicate God’s word and his amazing grace and truth to all who attended. 

Reported by Sh. Greg Lewis
