A beautiful house church between Victor and Maria, Chicago


Victor Velasco (UIC) and Maria Ramirez (NEIU) established a beautiful house church at 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 23 at Chicago Center. Their family members, relatives, UIC, NEIU and Chicago co-workers filled the main Sanctuary. Pastor Ron W gave them John 3:16. “For God so loved the world!” Victor was introduced to Dr. Paul C in his high school. Soon he entered UIC majoring in Electrical Engineering. He experienced the love of God through many occasions until he could help others with the word of God. Maria dreamed to marry a Christian since her youth in Mexico. She came to Chicago 7 years ago. When she met Victor, she asked whether he was a Christian. Since then they became friends in Jesus. She did not speak English at all. Victor led her to Chicago Spanish Worship Service. Through Bible study with M. Helen G Maria came to know Jesus. While she was learning Jesus, her English also improved till she could share her testimony in English in NEIU Friday leaders meeting. Victor grew up to be a messenger in Spanish Worship Service. M. Sarah, Dr. Paul, Dr. James, Steve, Darren, Jose and Dr. John Jun prayed for them. Helen G and Jonathan R sang special solos. May God bless this house church as a source of blessing for UIC, NEIU, North and Latin America in this generation. 
