2011 Pretoria UBF Spring Bible Conference Report, South Africa

Pretoria UBF in South Africa had a spring conference on September 9-11, 2011. Its theme was “Jesus, the Passover Lamb.” We studied Exodus 12, John 8, and John 19. We were newly reminded of Jesus’ grace, that he shed his precious blood for the washing and cleansing of our souls. We were renewed in our hearts to serve his salvation ministry on college campuses and in all of Africa. We were 70 in all, including 17 new attendees.

After waking up in the morning, we all gathered to do physical exercises in the main hall. While we were exercising, we tried to memorize Romans 8:1-8, repeating the verses over and over again. At breakfast time, Brother Frans stood at the entrance to the dining room to check each person to see if he or she could recite the verses. We were glad for the assurance of forgiveness and the hope of new life in coming days.

Brother Tunga wrote a Bible testimony on Exodus 12.  He realized that the grace of God’s salvation came to him personally as he wrote a 15-page long testimony.

Sister Rachel was pregnant during her high school days and thought her life was over. But when she started Bible study with M. Jackie S. and attended this conference, she was moved by Jesus’ grace and was assured that she was saved by Jesus Christ.

After the worship service on Sunday, two sisters, Thandeka and Motheo, were nominated to be shepherds of God’s flock. In her testimony, Motheo confessed that she had become arrogant before God because of her college degree and continual studies in a Master’s degree course. She put herself as king and center of her life instead of God.  However, when she found that she was spending hours with SNS, she realized that she was a hopeless sinner. She confessed that Jesus is the only King and the one whom she was loyal to. Thandeka became joyful when she put all her problems down before Jesus and decided to serve Jesus Christ with her whole heart.

M. Stephens and Hanna C. from Johannesburg participated in this conference, along with their 6 Bible students. These 6 students were greatly moved because we studied the Bible for three consecutive days unlike conferences of other ministries. They shared the grace that they had received individually throughout the conference and encouraged all the attendees through their testimonies. Praise God for his wonderful work at this conference through his word!
