9th Annual Founders Day Program, Chicago

9th Annual Founders Day Program

1. Date: October 7 at 6:30 pm

2. Place: Chicago UBF

3. Theme: Asia, Ripe For Harvest (John 4:35)

4. Speakers

  • Welcoming Message: Abraham Kim (Chicago)
  • Opening Message: David Kim (Korea)
  • UBF History of Asia Pioneering: Jimmy Lee (India)
  • Power Point Presentation: Jacob Lee (Washington)

5. Testimonies & Reports

   1. Hayes Tang (Hong Kong)

      “Hong Kong, A Door for the Evangelism of 1.3 Billion Chinese People”

   2. Abraham Terasaki (Japan)

      “To remain in Jesus, the vine”

   3. Inang Pham (Indonesia)

       “You Will Be A Blessing”

   4. Samuel Palaka (India)

   5. Moses Kim (Hanyang UBF, Korea)

        “For His Name’s sake”
