Humber Bible House Dedication Ceremony Report, Canada

“A Spiritual House of Holy Priesthood”

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”  1 Peter 2:4-5

Thank and praise God for blessing our new Bible house dedication ceremony on Sept 3rd, 2011, the day before our Canadian Missionaries and Leaders Conference.

The ceremony consisted of praise and worship, a power-point presentation of Humber UBF history, a special song performed by the Humber Ensemble, a message delivered by Pastor Abraham Kim, and benediction by Dr. John Jun.  Many coworkers came from the GTA and from Southern Ontario. Their presence and that of Dr. John Jun and Pastor Abraham Kim were a great encouragement for all of us.

At our dedication ceremony, Pastor Abraham Kim gave us wonderful message based on 2 Peter 2:4-5, entitled, ‘A Spiritual House of Holy Priesthood.’

Pastor Abraham said our God is King and so we are all kingly people and priests of God. As priests of God, we worship and serve our God and we teach the word of God and intercede with God for others.  We should be built into a spiritual house; we all have different roles, but together form a spiritual house of priesthood. We have to be shaped to fit into God’s house, submitting ourselves to the hands of God.  May the Lord bless our new Bible house as a Spiritual House of holy priesthood and may we serve our Lord and King and teach the word of God diligently as holy priests.

We also offered a power-point presentation: ‘Humber UBF history’, which was presented by Tino Minielli.  Our 2nd gens performed “Viva la Vida” as an orchestra ensemble. 

All our members are very happy and thankful for the grace of God on us and we want to give all our thanksgiving to the Lord.

May God bless this new semester as we serve God and His flock as holy priests. May God raise each co-worker as a wonderful shepherd for God’s flock.

Paulus Cha
