2011 LA CBF Summer Bible Camp Report, LA

This year, we had a CBF Summer Bible Camp at the Pali Mountain Retreat center which is located in between Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear. This was a three day conference (two nights and three days) from September 3rd (Saturday) till September 5th (Monday). In total, 26 children (including two from Granada Hills UBF), 8 HBF members, 4 parents and 7 CBF committee members attended the conference.

The title of the conference was F.A.I.T.H. (Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him) based on 1 John 3:1, “How great is the love the Father has given us so freely! Now we can be called children of God.” Throughout the conference, the love of God has been the focus of all the programs.
The facilities at the conference sites were all kids friendly. Staffs were always available to help out. There were professionally trained staffs helping out “Nature Hike”, “Swimming” and “Camp Fire.” The site was vast enough to have a separate field for dodge ball, swimming, “capture the flag”, “nature hike”, “camp fire”, and many other activities.

When we arrived there, we started with an opening address and introduction to the conference. We arranged the conference in a way that kids can be divided into small groups to participate in different programs at different locations at different times. Three sites (by Doris, Cari and Cassandra with HBF helpers) were prepared based on three different themes. Doris prepared a site based on Acts 3 about Peter helping a lame man. Cari prepared a site based on Matthew 26, Luke 22, and John 21 about Peter denying Jesus but was forgiven. Cassandra prepared a site based on Matthew 14 about Jesus walking on water. CBF kids were divided into three different groups (led by Robert, Paul, and Lani) attending different site programs. Each group was divided again into smaller groups where a HBF/adult was assigned to help out 1-3 kids as shepherds throughout the conference. They did morning devotion together, ate together, took a nap together, moved around together and prayed together at night. Kenny, Philip, Hannah, and Maria were parent representatives helping out many details, in particular in prayer.

CBF kids participated in multiple programs starting from site program, skit preparation, and skit presentation. They prayed together, wrote sins sincerely and burned them during the campfire program. Many CBF kids shared their fear and worries as well as their sins with leaders. Each day was ended with prayer night. Children, helpers, leaders, and parents all participate in prayer night programs praising God and praying earnestly.

Through the conference, we could experience the work of God arising among our CBF children as well as our growing HBF disciples. God has a great vision and plan. God is going to do great things in and through our CBFers and HBFers. Let’s pray continually with hope and vision for our children. We thank God and praise His name for the wonderful work He has done and is going to do. Amen!

Reported by Billy.

