UBF News

Professionals for Global Mission Conference Report hosted by...

Nov 05, 2011

Matthew 28:19-20  "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching(...)


Chicago CBF Teachers Conference 2011

Nov 04, 2011

Chicago CBF is going to have the annual Teachers conference as follows; Purpose - "Teaching development", especially on best practices for teaching. P(...)


Raleigh UBF Matthew's gospel event report, North Carolina

Nov 03, 2011

Key Verse 28:19-20a “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to(...)


Dr. John Jun's House Church Lecture at Milwaukee I UBF

Nov 02, 2011

  On Saturday, October 22nd, Dr. John Jun, graciously honored our request to come and visit Milwaukee.  He himself drove from Chicago to Milwaukee with Msn.(...)


Leadership Development Workshop Report

Nov 01, 2011

Click here to view video messages Thank God for blessing the 2011 Leadership Development Workshop (LDW) with the title, "Be a Good Minister of Christ Jesus," fro(...)


Montreal UBF Tyrannus Bible Academy, Oct. 2011

Oct 30, 2011

  Jesus: Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt “Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘Why did you doubt?(...)


Ecclesiology Lecture by Dr. Augustine Suh

Oct 27, 2011

For the UBF staff meeting in Chicago, Augustine Suh, Ph.D., Professor in Systematic Theology at Midwest University, was invited to present a special lecture titled, “Eccles(...)


Philippines UBF Mission Report by Dr. Ben Toh

Oct 20, 2011

The Wind Blows Wherever It Pleases(Philippines UBF) “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is goi(...)


A beautiful house church between Andrew and Josephine Yoo, C...

Oct 19, 2011

On Saturday, October 15, on a bright and warm autumn day while the falling leaves reminded us of the abundant harvest, God established a beautiful family between Andrew(...)


Memorial service for the Late Dr. Samuel Lee

Oct 18, 2011

On Saturday, October 8, our Founders Day speakers, as well as many guests and Chicago missionaries, visited the gravesite of Dr. Samuel Lee.  We held a memorial(...)


Waterloo UBF Fall Retreat Report, Canada

Oct 17, 2011

Waterloo chapter held a fall retreat in Five Oaks Camp, Paris, Ontario on Oct 1,2 with a theme of “First”. Andy talked about what should be our top priority in lif(...)


World Mission Report, Chicago

Oct 12, 2011

In the evening of Sunday, October 9, Moody Park and Sarah Kim shared their testimonies at Chicago UBF.  Moody Park  shared his life testimony titled, “From a S(...)
