A beautiful house church between Andrew and Josephine Yoo, Chicago

On Saturday, October 15, on a bright and warm autumn day while the falling leaves reminded us of the abundant harvest, God established a beautiful family between Andrew Yoo and Josephine Kim at the Chicago UBF center. Andrew's parents from Korea and around 200 guests from many places gathered together to celebrate this wedding ceremony. Pastor Ron blessed them to be like Abraham and Sarah in the Bible with Genesis 12:2 as their key verse, "You will be a blessing." Mother Barry, Pastor Abraham Kim, Dr. James Kim, Dr. Augustine Sohn, Paulina Kim, and Pastor Ron prayed for them.

M. Andrew grew up in Korea and participated in Korea UBF. While writing 50 pages of his life testimony in 2001 for the summer Bible conference, he accepted Jesus and made a vine and branch relationship with Christ. However, he had to go through God's training, experiencing many failures, such as in his school entrance exam, job application, and army training. However, through such discipline from God, he learned to remain in Jesus as his branch and decided to be a student missionary and marry by faith. When he humbly left his marriage in God's hand, God sent him Josephine, a faithful, beautiful, and intelligent woman of God.

Josephine grew up in Chicago. She was greatly moved by the example of her father who always prayed when facing problems and who was always gentle, having the image of Jesus. She wanted to have a husband like her father. She wanted to work hard like her mother who always served many. At first, she wanted to have a husband who could meet her needs, but later, she repented while studying Genesis and learned that she must be a suitable helper to a man of God with mission. But she was not sure how God could set aside one man of God for her among so many. However, through studying Hebrews, she repented of not believing in and loving God who is Almighty. She also had to overcome many tests of faith from God. Then God's time came. When she was introduced to Andrew, she was amazed because he was tall, musical, and gentle as she was secretly praying. 

Now they have decided to form a godly house church through early morning Daily Bread and prayer.  They pray to love and respect each other with the gospel at the center of their family. May God bless them to co-work well in the UIC ministry and raise one disciple of Jesus and be like Abraham and Sarah.
