Leadership Development Workshop Report

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Thank God for blessing the 2011 Leadership Development Workshop (LDW) with the title, "Be a Good Minister of Christ Jesus," from Oct. 27-30 at Chicago UBF. The total number of attendees was 101, from 30 USA chapters and 3 Canadian chapters. The highlights were 7 messages, 2 panel discussions, 2 group Bible studies, and 2 sessions of testimony sharing.

The following were the 4 messages:

Lesson 1: Jeremy Hajek, “God our Savior,” and Steve Stasinos, “Jesus our Mediator”

Lesson 2: Greg Lewis, “God’s Household: The Church of the Living God”

Lesson 3: Kevin Jesmer and Joshua Jeon, “How to Grow as a Good Minister of Christ Jesus” (It covered six points to growing as a good minister: 1) know Jesus’ grace and God’s calling, 2) hold on to faith and a good conscience, 3) develop integrity in one’s person, family, and social life,  4) train yourself to be godly, 5) grow in love and purity, and 6) be content with material things.)

Lesson 4: Andrew Christopher and Bob Henkins, “How to Serve as a Good Minister in God’s Household” (It covered 6 points: 1) dealing with false doctrines, 2) making an environment of prayer, 3) installing godly leaders, 4) carrying out the ministry of God’s word, 5) managing relationships and church finances, and 6) helping people have a godly view of money.)

The first panel discussion was led by P. Teddy Hembekides with Kevin Albright, Gustavo Islas, Paul Choi, and Dr. Henry Park followed by free discussion in groups of 4-6 people. The second panel discussion was led by P. Ron with Daniel Yang, Dr. Mark Yang, and Jose Ahn. 

Special music programs were served by Elder Jim Rarick, Matthew Groters, Kristen Weed, and Paulina Cho.

We thank and praise God for enabling all the North American chapters, the HQ Bible study material committee, senior staff, food and transportation servants to work hard to make 2011 LDW possible. To watch the entire video messages, click here: http://chicagoubf.org/messages/pta/662. May God make all the attendees grow to be good ministers of Christ in each chapter.
