Montreal UBF Tyrannus Bible Academy, Oct. 2011


Jesus: Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

“Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘Why did you doubt?’”  - Matthew 14:31

We praise and thank God for blessing our Tyrannus Bible Academy for October 2011. In this Bible academy we looked hard at the problem of doubt. Sylvia F. gave us an overview of the modern conception of doubt as manifested by the collapse of trust between people in modern-day relationships. She also gave definitions of doubt as “being in two minds”, “double minded”, like a penny spinning that hasn’t landed on either side. We found out that doubt is a universal human problem but that in Christ we have a God who is absolutely reliable and unchanging. She then identified 8 kinds of specific doubts, and many of us were surprised there were that many but this helped us to diagnose our doubt problems. Next, Veronique GB gave us a second part of the presentation outlining how we can deal with the problems of doubt in ourselves and counselling others in a community of faith. She talked about how important it was to listen to a person in doubt and to then to proceed to solutions based on careful listening. She also described 2 very specific kinds of doubt. Doubt when God suspends his judgement as in Job’s case and doubt in a vision of faith that we need to carry out. After this we had a question and answer period with excellent participation. Everyone felt how serious and important it was to resolve our doubt and being single minded by somehow putting our trust in the hands of Christ. We have to work on doubts like ironing a shirt and taking out wrinkles.  Finally, Lesedi M. gave us a powerful 10-minute message about what Peter learned as he tried but failed to walk on the water with Jesus. With Jesus we felt the possibility of overcoming every kind of doubt. We thank God for the Biblically based material we obtained from l’Abri fellowship resources ( and Os Guiness’ book : “In Two Minds” (

You will find other resources here:

The first 2 podcasts are on this page at the bottom.

The second 2 podcasts are on this page at the top.
