Dr. John Jun's House Church Lecture at Milwaukee I UBF


On Saturday, October 22nd, Dr. John Jun, graciously honored our request to come and visit Milwaukee.  He himself drove from Chicago to Milwaukee with Msn. Sunji Jun. After having coffee and praying together with us at our Bible house, Dr. John and Msn. Sunji Jun visited the church building we are praying to buy.  Dr. John Jun prayed that we might buy it and work hard to fill it to raise many disciples.  After coming back to our Bible house, we had a delicious dinner and joyful fellowship.  After that, Dr. John & Msn. Sunji Jun came to our discipleship house and stayed overnight.  In the morning, all of us at the discipleship house enjoyed breakfast together. 

On Sunday, October 23rd, we had a united worship service between Milwaukee 1 and 2. Dr. John Jun blessed us with a special lecture on marriage by faith. The title of the lecture was “The House Church.” The house church is a family established by God, built on God’s love, for the purpose of fulfilling God’s mission. His lecture was based on Genesis 2:24, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh.”  Unity in Christ between a husband and his wife is the key to the success of a house church.  This unity is possible when both the husband and wife are united with Christ and dwell in his love. Becoming one is a process of mutual growth and organic cooperation. 

Here are some additional lessons that we learned from Dr. John’s lecture.   

First, we must have a Biblical view of true love.  Practically all the mass media praises erotic love as if it were the whole of true love, but this is an illusion.  Erotic love can be very deceptive like that of Amnon who raped his sister Tamar.  Our love must be based on the love of God, who sent his one and only Son Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world.  God’s love is holy.  According to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, true love is patient and kind.  It is not proud, it is not rude, and it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.

Second, we must establish a mission-centered family to fulfill our God-given mission.  Many people establish a family just to satisfy their erotic feelings and fulfill their human ambitions. We need to accept God’s intention for marriage – to fulfill God’s mission of bearing spiritual fruit and extending God’s kingdom on the earth.

Third, we saw a striking contrast between a godly marriage and an ungodly marriage.  An ungodly marriage leads people to misery, but a godly marriage leads people to true happiness.  Marriage is the most important basic unit of a society and a nation.  A healthy marriage means a healthy society and a healthy nation.    

After the worship service, we had a question/answer session as we were eating lunch.  One of the questions asked was, “What are the secrets of having a happy married life?” Dr. John Jun answered, “Love and patience.” Another question was, “What are the secrets of leadership?” he said, “Servantship, humility, biblical principle and clear direction.”

I thank God for using Dr. John Jun to plant hope and vision for a godly marriage in the hearts of our young disciples. We have several single coworkers who are praying to establish a family. May God establish their house churches for the sake of his mission. 

I also thank God for helping Milwaukee 1 and 2 to make a decision of faith to buy a new church building to worship and serve God together. May God bless our coworking, prayer, and discipleship ministry. May God establish 12 new house churches by 2012 and 120 disciples by 2020.

Finally, I thank God for using Dr. John Jun and Msn. Sunji Jun as spiritual leaders and shepherds for the last 35 years.  May God give them good health, wisdom and the anointing of the Holy Spirit as they continue to serve the work of God faithfully.
