Professionals for Global Mission Conference Report hosted by KIMNET

Matthew 28:19-20  "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." 

The 2011 KIMNET conference was held at Philadelphia Antioch Church from October 17-20, 2011. The main theme was "Professionals for the Global Mission Forum." Many mission scholars presented their research topics related to world missions through tentmaker missionaries. The popular theme was "Here and Now," which referred to making disciples here and now in America because we can find people from all over the world in America. America is our mission field right now.

At the same time, every mission scholar and pastor agreed that we can fulfill Jesus' great commission through professional tentmaker missionaries because many countries do not give visas to full-time missionaries and pastors. The UBF mission model, "Professional Lay Missionaries," has become a popular model that all mission churches would like to learn. Pastor Abraham Kim said that it is time for UBF to help other churches through the tentmaker missionary model. We can work together with churches to expand the kingdom of God and obey Jesus' great commission by working together in the front lines of mission.

Pastor Abraham Kim was introduced to the KIMNET leadership and appointed as one of the standing board members of KIMNET, and Dr. John Jun was appointed as an international board member. Dr. John Jun received a medal of thanksgiving due to his contribution in promoting unity among churches and UBF. M. Jacob Lee and  M. David Kim from COD also attended the conference. M. Sunji Jun, Sarah Kim, and Esther Lee visited Philadelphia, Lehigh, Shippensburg, and Penn State co-workers and strengthened their mission work. After the conference, we visited Amish villages and watched the Christian drama, "Joseph." 

Next year's KIMNET conference will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina in the third week of October 2012 and will celebrate its 10-year anniversary. 

In Christ,
Jacob Lee
