The 2011 Columbus UBF Romans Bible School report

We thank God for enabling us to finish the study of Romans this summer. Through Romans study, God helped us to learn his universal way of salvation for all kinds of sinners, that is, justification by faith, sanctification and glorification. We learned that we must be transformed by renewing our minds; we must love one another and have a priestly duty to preach the gospel to all people. We thank God for blessing our Romans Bible School on August 11 and 12 by raising 11 sincere testimonial messengers: Tommy Schira (chapter 4), John Jeong Jr. (5), Erin Gathergood (5), Sean Smith (7), Lauri Lewis (8), John Slone (8), Michael McWhorter (11), Helen Park (12), Amanda Logsdon (12), Bob Preest (13) and Jeff Gathergood (14). 2 new members, Luke Fairchild and Chris Moore, attended. Luke Fairchild was invited by Tommy Schira and Chris Moore, by John Slone.

We were so happy to witness every messenger’s sincere struggle to prepare his or her message and to hear what God has done in each of their hearts. We are also thankful to God that students began to invite their friends to Bible study. I thank God for beautiful coworking. Dr. John Jeong made a wonderful banner and helped Michael to write his message. Dr. Deborah Kim served very joyful worship dances with singing like a young student. Dr. Andrew Kim took pictures diligently. Matthew Kim prepared the environment and Jeff Lewis prayed for the meal. Lauri Lewis, Peace Kim and our women coworkers served delicious food for all of us.

We pray for forming communities of love and holy mission among us and raising 120 Bible teachers out of 60,000 OSU students.

Reported by Dr. Henry
