H.O.T. (Harper, Oakton, and Truman) Bible School Report, Chicago

From August 12-13, the H.O.T. (Harper, Oakton, & Truman) Student Genesis Summer Bible School was held at the Leningrad house in Chicago. The Bible school was from 1:00-9:30 pm for two days. The title of the Bible School was “You will be a blessing!” (Ge 12:2). We studied Genesis up to Abraham divided into four lessons. The first lesson was “It was very good” (Ge 1-2); the second, “When God’s love is doubted” (Ge 3-11); the third, “God called Abraham” (Ge 12-14, 18-19); and the fourth, “God tested Abraham” (Ge 15-17, 20-22). Fifteen students who have been studying the Bible weekly at Oakton Community College were divided into four teams and each team chose one lesson and delivered a message, shared testimonies, and presented a drama or video. Each group also raised two group Bible study leaders and led the group Bible studies. So there were 4 messengers and 11 testimonies sharers. At the end of the Bible school, students performed a beautiful and prayerful dance. It was a heart moving dance. For this Bible school, all the students worked so hard together willingly and voluntarily for the last 3 months since being on vacation.

Abraham was a fatalistic old man without a son. But when God called him and he responded to God’s calling, believing in God’s promise, “You will be a blessing,” Abraham became a source of blessing and the ancestor of faith. Right now, our students are just beginning their life of faith; it is not end, but they will all become a blessing to other campus students and their life will be great. We finished with prayers for Harper’s, Truman’s, and Oakton’s Fall Bible studies at the campus.
