Southeast Region United Summer Bible Conference Report, USA

The Southeast Summer Bible Conference was held by the Atlanta, Memphis, Raleigh, and Tampa UBF ministries at Kennesaw State University on August 5-7. M. Wesley Y's family is pioneering KSU. The conference theme was “Our Heavenly Hope.” We were greatly encouraged through God's word, renewing our heavenly hope. We learned how our heavenly hope has a practical effect on our daily life. Jeff C's message (Luke 20) gave us hope of the heavenly life at the resurrection. He taught us how to live in the world with this hope, giving to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's. Andrew D.'s message (Matthew 24a) gave us hope that Jesus will return and take us to heaven. But Jesus commanded that we must stand firm to the end to be saved, preaching the gospel and overcoming trials by faith. M. Wesley Y.'s message (Matthew 24b-25a) taught us to prepare for Jesus' return by living by faith each day. M. Joseph R.'s message (Matthew 25b) taught us to faithfully use all our abilities to bear fruit to God and love even the least of his flock. Then, at the judgment, our heavenly hope will be fulfilled as Jesus says, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21). According to this conference key verse, we had united prayer for students in the southeast of the US to accept the heavenly hope in the gospel and overcome the spirit of cultural Christianity. We pray they will live according to their heavenly hope, bearing fruit for the kingdom of heaven.

Bible students from every ministry served the conference. Shane, Ben, and Kwesi were presiders, Hunter and Kwesi were music servants, and Shane gave a book report titled, “Heaven is for Real.” God worked powerfully in Sarah, helping her repent of her low self-esteem by giving her heavenly hope and showing her the wonderful abilities she can serve Him with. Lauren learned we are co-inheritors of the kingdom of heaven with Jesus and our true citizenship is in heaven. CBF shared testimonies with one clear word of God that showed their heavenly hope. At the Sunday worship service, John M. presented his Scotland mission report. Andrew D. dedicated with prayer M. John and Grace M. to the Scotland mission field, where they will go after one year in Chicago, with the key verse Genesis 12:1. We also had a laying on of hands ceremony for Andrew D. and all four directors prayed for his new directorship of Raleigh ministry.  The key verse of this prayer was 2 Timothy 2:15, that he will be a workman approved by God who correctly handles the word of truth.

Thank you for your prayers for Southeast ministries. I pray that God will give Southeastern students heavenly hope that leads to growing and fruitful lives of faith.

Reported by Andrew D.
