Bogota UBF Visit Report, Colombia

On the evening of July 24, I arrived in Bogota, Colombia and stayed at Caleb L.'s house. We had Sunday worship service at 10 pm at M. Andrew P.'s house church. From July 27-30, we had a Bible conference based on 1 Samuel 7, Luke 6, and Daniel 6 at a recreation center near Bogota. We all had good fellowship sharing testimonies through the conference.  

For the following Sunday worship service on July 31, two Bible students attended - Juliana and Angela. Right after the worship service, each of them had 1:1 Bible study with their Bible teachers. After that, we had fellowship over a delicious lunch of pizza.   

Prayer topics :

1.M. Caleb's family's proper direction through UBF's new General Director, Pastor Abraham.
2.Caleb's family to continue to study the Bible with me through Skype at 9 pm every Saturday.

In Christ,
Spurgeon L.