Chicago CBF Summer Bible Conference 2011

True Freedom

“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” (John 8:31-32)

We thank and praise God for our CBF Summer Bible Conference held in beautiful Shipshewana, IN at Brethren Retreat Center. This year’s conference was based on the Biblical principle of spiritual freedom. We explored the outcomes of how we use our freedom with the conclusion that using our freedom to sin only leads to slavery and destruction, while using our freedom to obey God makes us Jesus’ disciples and truly free in our souls. We thank God that in this generation full of so much temptation and immorality, that our children could learn to use their freedom wisely and live for the glory of God—may God help them to do so.

Our direction, as usual, was maximum fun and maximum Bible study. In order to give more free time at the conference, we held Bible studies and testimony sharing on the three main lectures in the week leading up to the conference, so that we could deeply study the main passages, pray for the conference and also choose testimony sharers for the conference. The Bible studies were done in one large group and led by the main messengers so that they may drive their point home. At the conference the kids have about ten hours of free time to play, swim and enjoy the fresh air, in this way they look forward to the conference and their attitude at the conference is very positive, which keeps their heart open to the word of God. After playing a lot, they are happy to hear the word of God.
For the messages, we began wit an intro message by Tim McEathron, based on Romans 6:15-18, in which children were asked if they had committed a certain sin and then were tied up, “don’t you know that when you offer yourself to sin you become a slave to sin?”, and then a long train of slaves was eventually led along through the audience but when they accepted Jesus they were no longer compelled to be slaves but compelled to do good. The first main lecture was, Genesis 2:8-17 “True Freedom in Paradise”, by Joe Grady, about the true freedom that comes from obedience to God. He clearly taught that when we have an absolute attitude toward God’s word we experience spiritual freedom. Monday evening’s message was, Genesis 6:1-13 “Walk With God, Walk in Freedom”, by Christine Mun, teaching that when we misuse our freedom the world becomes full of sin and violence. However, she taught about the freedom that comes from obeying God like Noah and walking in freedom through walking with God. Tuesday’s morning message was on Mark 9:14-29 “Jesus Frees a Demon Possessed Boy”, by Josephine Lee, about how we are un-free because of unbelief. She encouraged us that Jesus understands our problems and he is bigger than our problems, really the only problems is that we don’t believe, so we must trust that “everything is possible for him who believes.” Our second main lecture was on Luke 15:11-32 “In My Father’s House”, by Young Lee, in which we learned that true freedom comes when we know and depend on the love of God. We learned how the second son squandered his human freedom and how the first son was a slave to self-righteousness even though he was free and how both needed to know the truly free life of living in the love of God. Tuesday evenings message was on Luke 23:32-43 “Father Forgive Them”, by Grace Ahn, in which we learned that the source of all freedom is accepting that I am a sinner, believing that Jesus died for my sins, and accepting him as my personal Savior. At the end of her message, Grace encouraged us to write down all our sins that we wan to repent of, while “Amazing Grace” was played on the piano, then she led us in a prayer of salvation, to accept Jesus into our hearts—many children prayed the prayer, some crying, and many surely became Christians that night. The Wednesday morning devotion was Mark 1:35-39 “Jesus Prays Early in a Solitary Place”, by Sarah Yu, in which she encouraged our kids that we need not only prayer but specifically early morning prayer, because early morning is the best time to program our brains for the day. She encouraged us that praying early in the morning, programs us to do God’s will throughout the day. Our final lecture was John 8:31-47 “Jesus Sets Us Free”, by Hosea Lee, in which we learned that we are only disciples of Jesus if we obey his teachings, otherwise we are children of the devil. He encouraged us that we must have a right attitude toward Bible study, testimony writing, and message to live as free people in Jesus. The closing message was Galatians 5:1 “It is for Freedom that Christ has Set Us Free”, by John Colagrossi, in which he encouraged us that if we’ve accepted Jesus we are free, but not free to sin, free to glorify God with our lives. He sent us out with a clear direction that we are free to use all our gifts and creativity to serve God, especially we should use our imagination to find all sorts of ways that we can glorify God.
Through the conference children also prepared world mission presentations each night. The 8th Graders, prepared for three weeks presentations including: flag, map, country report and skit about the work of God through missionaries there. This year’s presentations were on UBF missionaries in Guadalajara, Mexico; Unganda; UK; and Philippines. Each did an incredible job researching God’s work there and in fact, the presentations were very clear and meaningful. Our 8th graders also shared life testimonies, clearly confessing the grace of God on their lives and their decision to live as a blessing in High School: Moses Lee, Miriam Pierce, Lina Jung, Matthew Colagrossi, John Ward and Sam Lee.
We thank God that 60 children could attend this year with 13 having come from Milwaukee I&II. Also for Regina Latreider and Susie Song from Heidelberg, Germany as servants even though they are our guests in Chicago, thank God. In total 73 attended the conference with 6 part time.
All in all the conference was amazingly positive and the response of children was very good. We believe that many accepted Jesus and made a decision to live in “True Freedom” in Jesus. May God protect their hearts and bless our 8th Graders to be a light in their High Schools. Thank God for His work, and a great beginning to our new school year. Amen.