2nd gen. David Kim Jr's testimony and Tempe UBF Prayer Topics, Arizona


“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ.”


I was born on April 4th, 1980 in Taegu as the first child to Msn. David and Ruth Kim. In 1989, our family moved to be missionaries to campus students in sunny Arizona. It was hard for me to make friends, so I kept to myself a lot and focused on my studies, violin, sports, and Bible studies. High school was just one big habit. It was always the same. I went to school, orchestra and football and wrestling practice, and going out with friends. College was no different; Bible studies, Sunday services, library, lectures, gym, and library to study some more. I spent a lot of time at the library. I also spent a lot of time with my family. Just like any other family, my parents always had a big role in my life. They always expected the best from me. Not necessarily perfection, but just the best of my capabilities and the best within my limits. For example, when I won regionals in wrestling, they also wanted me to succeed in my studies. When I’d do well on my engineering tests, they wanted me to do well in my women’s studies or Beatles class. In the eyes of my parents, they thought that I failed not because I was lacking or inadequate, but I had failed because I was lazy and had no desire to succeed. They motivated me to be the best man I could be. Not only did they want me to the best I can in the eyes of the world, they wanted me to be the best in the eyes of the Lord. Even when I refused, they urged me to study the Bible and to serve the ministry. With a complaining heart I went to service and Bible studies. I just went through the motions. I hated the fact that I was born a second generation missionary and the fact that others expected me to be a missionary, serve campus students, and be so holy. I wanted to give up my Christianity and part with my parents. Even though at the time it was just lip service, this was the way God trained me. After studying Mark 8, I came to the realization that Jesus is my Christ. All my life, I felt as though my faith was gift wrapped and given to me by my parents. I felt as though what little faith I had was not my own, but my parents’. Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ, his own personal savior. I realized that Jesus Christ was my own personal savior.

God was not just the God of my parents’, but my own God. I realized that my parents did not choose to rear me as a Christian boy, but God chose me to be a God trained me through my parents so that I could have a basic knowledge of Christ. God used my parents as a means for me to be closer to him. My parents did not give up on me even when I was disobedient, rude, and even hateful towards them. They had faith in God that God would help them to help me to come to God. They had a shepherd’s heart for me. I thank God for my parents’ love for me in Christ. I thank God for my parents’ shepherd heart. I thank God for his grace and blessing upon my life as a second generation missionary. I thank God for the opportunity in which I could receive training throughout my lifetime as a second generation missionary. I pray that I can answer God’s calling as a second generation missionary for campus students in Arizona. I pray God will help me to be a humble and obedient son of God so that God will use me as a suitable co-worker in Arizona.


Arizona State University is nestled in the middle of Tempe, Arizona. Tempe is a suburb of Phoenix which is in the middle of the Sonoran Desert, famous for its dry heat. Still, over 75,000 students are enrolled in Arizona State University, one of the largest student bodies in the US. Missionary David and Ruth Kim have been serving ASU since 1989. Though we are only a small ministry of three missionary families, we are indeed like one big family.

Missionaries Deborah and Esther try and go to campus to contact students, even in the sweltering heat. Missionary Ruth is a constant rock of faith and a mother of prayer. Even though we all have full time jobs, Missionary David, Shepherd Daniel, and I all take turns to give the Sunday message.

Currently we have one Bible student, David. We pray that he will grow in faith and continually study the Bible. Also, we were blessed with the arrival of Brother Ferdie from Downey UBF. Ferdie has come to because God has blessed him with a new job in Arizona, but we feel blessed to have Brother Ferdie join our ministry. Ferdie has been a breath of fresh air for our ministry. We pray that Ferdie can be a great man of God in Tempe and that God will find for him a suitable helper.

Thank you for your love and prayers for Tempe UBF. We are grateful for the fellowship we have with Downey UBF members. Please continually pray for us to be a disciple making ministry for Arizona State University.

Prayer Topics for Tempe UBF

• 12 disciples of faith

• Shepherd David Jr., Shepherd Daniel, and Missionary David to prepare

• 2nd and 3rd gens to grow in the presence of the Lord

- Esther, Elizabeth, Daniel Jr. Cheng

- Samuel, Jonathan, Young David Kim

• Sh. Caleb and Coral Cook to realize their calling and come back to Tempe

• Brother Ferdie to grow in faith and for God to find him a suitable helper

• Tempe UBF coworkers to serve each other in humility and love
