UBF News

The Work of God in Algonquin UBF

May 02, 2013

Algonquin UBF, Canada May 2, 2013  Devote Ourselves To Bible Study, Observance And Teaching Annual Key verse - Ezra 7:10 "For Ezra had devoted himself to the st(...)


Please Pray for Seven Messengers Chosen for ISBC

Apr 26, 2013

UBF Head Quarters  April 26, 2013 Please Pray for Seven Messengers Chosen for ISBC: Europe: Andreas Hassani (Heidelberg) & James Wood (UK) CIS: Alexey Belykh(...)


Southeast Easter Bible Conference, USA

Apr 15, 2013

Auburn, Atlanta, Durham, Raleigh, Charlottesville UBF April 15, 2013 Luke 24:49, “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in th(...)


Montreal Easter Celebrarion

Apr 13, 2013

Montreal UBF, Canada April 13, 2013 Happy Easter! He has risen! He has indeed be raised! This year, Montreal UBF organised a special Easter program that was held at our(...)


Dr. James Chin Kyung Kim gave a lecture on the love of Christ in LA UBF

Apr 12, 2013

Downey UBF, USA April 12, 2013 The path of life leads upward for the wise... Proverb 15:24 Love your neighbor as you love yourself On April 6 Dr. James Chin Kyung Kim,(...)


Dr. James Chin Kyung Kim gave a lecture on the love of Christ in LA UBF

Apr 12, 2013

Downey UBF, USA April 8. 2013 The path of life leads upward for the wise... Proverb 15:24 Love your neighbor as you love yourself On April 6 Dr. James Chin Kyung Kim,(...)


Home Coming Service for Mrs. Soon Ja Cho, the Mother of M. Deborah Lee

Apr 11, 2013

Lincoln Park UBF, USA April 11, 2013 Time:  Thursday, April 11 at 7:30 PM Place: Colonial Funeral Home at 8025 W. Golf Road in Niles, IL.   P. Mark Vucek(...)


Houston UBF had a Easter Conference

Apr 11, 2013

Houston UBF, USA April 11, 2013 “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his nam(...)


Humber UBF Easter Retreat

Apr 09, 2013

Humber UBF, Canada April 9, 2013  He Has Risen "'Don't be alarmed,' he said, 'You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has ri(...)


NEIU Easter Bible School

Apr 08, 2013

  Chicago UBF March 30, 2013     At Easter we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, remembering His love for(...)


LA UBF & Granada Hill UBF had a Spring Bible Conference

Apr 05, 2013

  LA UBF April 5, 2013 LA UBF has just finished their 2013 Spring Bible Conference together with Granada Hill UBF (Sh Gideon Klijian's ministry). There were 135 a(...)


London UBF(Canada) held a Spring Retreat

Apr 04, 2013

London UBF, Canada  April 4, 2013 Over the weekend of March 23-24, 2013, London Canada UBF held an intimate Spring Retreat at Maple Grove Retreat Centre (Sa(...)
