UBF News

David A. Baik & Patra Han’s Beautiful House Church

Jun 13, 2013

New York UBF June 13, 2013 David A. Baik (the first son of missionary David Baik, NY) & Patra Han had a wedding ceremony on June 8th at the Wedding hall of the Korean(...)


ISBC First Messengers Camp

Jun 09, 2013

UBF Headquarters June 8, 2013 From June 6-9, the first ISBC 2013 Messenger Camp was held at the Chicago UBF Headquarters. There were 9 messengers who came to the(...)


Samuel Hajoon Yang Was Born!

Jun 07, 2013

Philadelphia UBF June 7, 2013 Greetings! I just want to let you know our current situation, acknowledging the answers to your prayer and God's grace upon our family.(...)


God Blessed the Wedding between Esther and Philip Chang of DuPage UBF

Jun 05, 2013

Dupage UBF June 5, 2013 Praise the Lord who blessed the wedding between Esther and Philip Chang of DuPage UBF in Chicago, U.S.A. on May 25, 2013. The wedding took pla(...)


UBF Newsletters have been Published

Jun 03, 2013

UBF Headquarters   June 2, 2013     Newsletters have been published as left picture and will be distributed to all attendants during the ISBC at IUP(...)


Visa Victory in Jesus!- An Update on Visa Statuses

May 31, 2013

UBF Headquarters   May 31, 2013   Today, we received the good news from M. Andrew that both Dr. Oyor M. and Padiet D. received their visas. This means that they(...)


Ten Korean-American Doctors Visited PUST and took care of Patients

May 26, 2013

USA May 25, 2013 On May 13-18, 10 Korean American doctors visited DPRK and took care of over 100 patients at PUST. God gave us Isaiah 60:1, "Arise and shine, for hi(...)


The Updated Program of ISBC

May 23, 2013

UBF Headquarters May 23, 2013 Pics Pic: 


Dr. Helen Rarick Received a Distinguished Professor Award

May 13, 2013

Chicago UBF May 12, 2013 During the Spring semester Dr. Helen Rarick, Associate Professor of Biology at Wright College in Chicago, was awarded the 2013 Distinguished Servi(...)


Wesley and Ester Jun’s First Son, Ethan Daniel Jun was Born

May 10, 2013

Hyde Park UBF, USA May 10, 2013 Ethan Daniel Jun was born May 3, 2013 and weighed 7 lbs and 5 oz.  The name Ethan means "strong", "firm", and &quo(...)


Chicago Coworkers Visited St. Louis to Pray for M. Mary Choi

May 09, 2013

St. Louis UBF May 9, 2013 On May 3, Msn. Grace A. Lee, Dr. Paul and Grace Koh, and Msn. James and Anna Ahn from Chicago visited St. Louis to pray for Msn. Mary Choi and St(...)


Humber UBF had a Special Joint Sunday Worship Service with North York UBF

May 08, 2013

Humber UBF, Canada May 8, 2013 “Only by My Spirit”   “So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor(...)
