ISBC First Messengers Camp

UBF Headquarters

June 8, 2013

From June 6-9, the first ISBC 2013 Messenger Camp was held at the Chicago UBF HeadquartersThere were 9 messengers who came to the camp: Andreas Hassani (Heidelberg, Jn 13), Mark Moran (UC Berkeley, Jn 14), James Odejimi (Nigeria, Jn 15a), Dr. Abraham Mcllhenny (West LA, Jn 15b), Gustavo Prato (Venezuela, Jn 19), Abraham Lee (Washingto D.C., Jn 20a), Heather Koch (LA, Jn 20b), Jason Perry (Princeton, HBF, Jn 14) Andries Coetsee (South Africa, MBF Jn 14). They came with manuscripts prepared and were helped by a messenger mentor team composed of ten senior staff members, coordinated by Pastors

Abraham Kim and Ron Ward (Education Chair). Prior to the camp, each messenger was mentored on a one-to-one basis. At the camp, messengers and mentors freely shared their sincere understanding of the respective Bible passages. Each messenger had at least 2 intense and joyful rehearsals, except Heather, who had a rehearsal via video conference. The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident. Earnest prayers were offered and there was joyful eating fellowship, too. It was koinonia. It seemed to be a sneak preview of the kingdom of God. We were convinced that the Lord God, who loves each of us so much, is helping us to love one another and serve the 2013 ISBC and world campus mission with the love of God. 

Next week we pray to be able to have another messengers' camp for the world mission night speakers: Gundash Luvsansambuu, Dimas Blanco, Alexey Belykh and James Wood, via video conference. Please keep praying for these messengers as well as two other messengers: Elia Lee (Koln, Germany, Jn 15), and Joseph Horvath (Jn 15, Chicago).

