Ten Korean-American Doctors Visited PUST and took care of Patients


May 25, 2013

On May 13-18, 10 Korean American doctors visited DPRK and took care of over 100 patients at PUST.

God gave us Isaiah 60:1, "Arise and shine, for his light has come.” We realized that the whole land of DPRK was covered with the shadow of darkness. But through our healing ministry, the light of God could shine.

When we met President Kim, he advised us to eat with students and enjoy fellowship. We saw that President Kim took care of his students as his own children. The 700 students and employees of PUST are all like one family.

May God accept our healing ministry as our 5 loaves and 2 fish for the evangelism of DPRK and the peaceful unification of Korea.

By Dr. Paul Koh
