Chicago Coworkers Visited St. Louis to Pray for M. Mary Choi

St. Louis UBF

May 9, 2013

On May 3, Msn. Grace A. Lee, Dr. Paul and Grace Koh, and Msn. James and Anna Ahn from Chicago visited St. Louis to pray for Msn. Mary Choi and St. Louis ministry.

Around two months ago, Msn. Mary went to see a doctor for abdominal pain. Everything seemed normal but the doctor found evidence of breast cancer through a mammogram. They found a clear lymph node, stage one; it had not spread to other parts of her body. After three separate surgeries, all cancer tissues were removed and now she is recovering. If she met the doctor a few months later, the situation would have been much worse. In his perfect time, God exposed the cancer through an unexpected way. Through her sickness, we learned that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. Msn. Mary's Choi's sickness was part of God's divine plan and love.

Currently, all St. Louis UBF coworkers are meeting at the Bible house every morning at 6:00am to pray for her recovery and the upcoming International Summer Bible Conference. St. Louis UBF prays for 40 attendants for the ISBC and 30 one to ones each week. They pray for Shp. Ben West's spiritual growth, to be a good minister of Christ Jesus and for Andrew, Vynn, Pangaa, Peter, Xiou, and Ina to become faithful and committed disciples of Jesus. They study John's gospel each week and learn from the good shepherd Jesus.  They also pray that God may provide visas for Dr. Stephen Han's family to move to Dallas and for Dr. Augustine Suh's family's new life in Chicago. Thank you for all your prayers for Msn. Mary Choi and St. Louis ministry. 
