Humber UBF had a Special Joint Sunday Worship Service with North York UBF

Humber UBF, Canada

May 8, 2013

“Only by My Spirit”

“So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” --Zec 4:6
How precious it is to receive the spirit of God! How wonderful it is to see the work of the Holy Spirit!  And how much we desire to see the great revival in our generation! Our God is so gracious to teach us how to serve his life-giving work.
We thank God for sending his faithful servant Sh. Joshua Lee to Toronto on April 19, 2013. During his stay, Sh. Joshua served many coworkers with the words of God. At Humber UBF, we had Bible study with him on Saturday and then a joint Sunday worship service with North York UBF. Sh. Joshua Lee delivered a Spirit-filled message entitled, “Only by My Spirit”, which was based on Zechariah 4:1-14, while M. Paul Lee translated next to him in English.
In the message, we were reminded that like Zechariah, we easily despair and think that it is not possible to serve the rebuilding work of God in our times. However, God is telling us that it is possible by his Spirit. With our strength or might, we cannot change others, not even one person, but the Spirit of God can change anyone from the inside out. Not only that, all our mountain-like problems will be level ground!
Each person has his/her own mountain-like obstacles which make us lose heart, but God says, ‘“What are you, mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground” (Zec 14:7). Thank God for making M. Timothy’s mountain of Leukemia to be level ground by healing him through the last 2 1/2 years’ treatment. Furthermore, S. Joshua prayed for M. Isaac Lee and his health problems to be level ground by the power of God. Thank God for giving this powerful word to each student and to each of us. Through this message, we could accept God’s mission to serve the rebuilding work of God through Bible study and discipleship.
May the Lord bless Humber and North York ministries to experience the great work of God this summer. May God bless the ISBC 2013 abundantly and touch all those who attend with the love of God!