Visa Victory in Jesus!- An Update on Visa Statuses

UBF Headquarters
May 31, 2013
Today, we received the good news from M. Andrew that both Dr. Oyor M. and Padiet D. received their visas. This means that they will be coming to the ISBC 2013. Praise God our Father from whom all blessings and visas flow! With God all things are possible!
We praise Jesus our victorious Savior! This encourages all the more as we pray for the ISBC 2013, depending on the Holy Spirit who works in people’s hearts as we pray.
In the CIS, the testimony speaker Katya Barry also got a visa. Praise God!
Now may God bless all other life testimony speakers: Stephen (6/5), Oliver (6/6), Kevin (7/8) and all others who are seeking visas to claim them by faith.
From other continents, we have more prayer topics:
In Asia: Samuel Palaka (India), needs a new Passport.
In the CIS: 1)Ruthtam (Khazakstan) (Visa interview 6/5), 2) Danial Jivaev (Mgimo, Russia) (6/20),  3) Gena  (Odessa, Ukraine) (6/3), 4) Aisulu: Kazakhstan (6/5) all need our prayers.
In Latin America: Jorge Antonio (Dominican Rep.) needs to start his visa application.  Claudia (Argentina, Bs As UBF) needs to renew her passport. Both Claudia and Sandra (Buenos Aires UBF) will have a visa interview in a week or two.