Southeast Easter Bible Conference, USA

Auburn, Atlanta, Durham, Raleigh, Charlottesville UBF

April 15, 2013

Luke 24:49, “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

On March 29-31, Auburn, Atlanta, Durham, Raleigh, and Charlottesville UBF had a united Easter Bible conference at Christmount in Black Mountain, NC. We thank God for 33 attendants, including Pastor Mark and Kathy Vucekovich from Lincoln Park UBF and Bible students visiting from Taiwan. 

Praise God that through Jesus’ death and resurrection and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we have forgiveness of sins and power from God to live a new life that bears the image of Christ! Through the life testimonies of new missionaries John and Helen Eom, we saw God’s power to give them new lives in Jesus’ image. We all wanted to grow in this new life through our conference, especially to obey how Jesus wants to use our lives and ministries right now for His purpose. As each person received one word from the Bible studies or messages about the new life Jesus gives, they posted it on the backdrop (a picture of the risen Jesus). Likewise, we posted on our nametags what we personally decided to obey in our new lives. We could then see what God was teaching us as the conference progressed. 
Through Chris Kelly’s message on Luke 23, Jesus’ crucifixion, we learned that when we keep in our hearts Christ crucified and His words “Father, forgive them…”, our new life is not one of slavery to sin. We have salvation, forgiveness, and the power to resist sin in our new lives. New life in Christ is to take up our crosses and follow Jesus like Simon of Cyrene.
Through Andrew Dellinger’s message on Luke 24:13-53, we learned that Jesus conquers our old life's problems through resurrection faith, just as He did for the Eleven and the disciples on the road to Emmaus. When Jesus gives us a new lives in this way, they are lives of joy and fearless Gospel witnessing. As the disciples testified about Jesus in the temple among Jesus’ crucifiers (Luke 24:52-53) we too can be bold Gospel witnesses.
Through Wesley Yun’s message on Luke 24:1-12, we learned that new life in Christ comes through Jesus’ victory over sin and death. Without resurrection faith, we don’t have new lives but only dead spiritual activities, and we “look for the living among the dead” (Luke 24:5). Praise God that our Lord and Savior has risen!
Through sharing testimonies, we saw that many people received refreshment in their new lives in Christ, and a renewed thankfulness for the grace and power given us by Christ in His death and resurrection. Thank Jesus for His forgiveness from the Cross and His work in our hearts to plant resurrection faith! Thank God for giving us new lives of power to be His witnesses of this Gospel! We thank the Vucekovichs for their prayer and encouragement, and traveling to attend our conference. We also thank you for your prayer and support for the ministries in the Southeast area. May God help us all to live new lives in Christ and to plant this Gospel message in many hearts.
By Andrew Dellinger