Houston UBF had a Easter Conference

Houston UBF, USA

April 11, 2013

“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)


We held a two days and one night Easter conference in Holly Cove Christian Retreatentitled, “New Life in Jesus". We (a single house church) could not dare to challenge a two days and one night conference with programs such as two main lectures, symposium, group Bible study, testimony sharing and camp fire. Yet God blessed it with His mighty hands.

It was quite difficult to find the right place for so few members but among 12 places that we searched, two conference sites accepted our small numbers. Thus, among two conference sites God provided the best one for us. He provided a spacious and natural and friendly place which was surrounded by trees and a beautiful lake at a good price.

We had two lectures. “It is Finished” ( John19:30) by Msn. Grace and “He has Risen” ( John20:31) by Dr. Joshua H. Choo. God had mercy on our five loaves and two fish and worked with the power of the Holy Spirit. So we could only pray and praise Him.


We prayed for five attendants but God blessed us with ten attendants. Sister Jamin shed tears of thankfulness to God and shared her life testimony based on "The Truth will set you Free." She decided to be a committed disciple of Jesus Christ.

Our host brother Brad shared his struggle of falling over and over again but he wants to follow the path of the cross. He decided to go through this rough but glorious path of the cross in Jesus. His daughter Abey decided again to be a nurse-missionary to Africa. 

Lauren participated very humbly all throughout the conference.

Sister Carolyn shared her new decision of life to please God instead of people in Christ. 

Dr. Joshua Choo taught us how to live our life with resurrection faith by finishing his general surgery residency and starting a new fellowship.

During camp fire time we introduced ourselves. We wrote down all our hidden sins and burned them in the fire. Thus, we decided to have a new life in Christ through faith in his death and resurrection!

We praise the Lord who provided a new Life in Jesus! 

2 Corinthians 4:10 “We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” (2013 key verse)

By Graciela Choo
