UBF News

Beautiful Wedding between Daniel and Rejoice Shim, Chicago

Jan 25, 2013

Chicago UBF January 25, 2013   January 19, 2013, a joyful and graceful wedding took place between Daniel Shim Jr., the son of Msn. Daniel and Hannah Shim(...)


Biblical Worldview and Discipleship Training by Elisha Kim

Jan 24, 2013

"Biblical Worldview and Discipleship Training Lecture", written by Elisha Kim.  Please see attached file.


Chicago UBF Women's Workshop Program - 'WOMEN UNITED IN PRAYER'

Jan 24, 2013

Chicago UBF January 24, 2013 Dear Sister in Christ, Today we thought of how precious you are. We would love to invite you to a prayer workshop where women of the church(...)


LA UBF Men Co-workers New Year Conference

Jan 23, 2013

  LA UBF January 23, 2013 At the Men’s New Year’s Conference we studied the book of Philippians together. Our prayer was to learn of Jesus and be united(...)


Funeral of Duck Soon Nam - the mother of M. Yuni Lee(N.Y.) & M. Rebekah Yoshiba(...

Jan 23, 2013

New York UBF January 23, 2013 Duck Soon Nam passed away on January 20, 2013 due to old age(100 years old). She was the mother of M. Yuni Lee (N.Y.) and M. Rebekah Yoshib(...)


USA & Canada Staff Conference 2013 Program (Feb 21-23, 2013)

Jan 18, 2013

To register for the staff conference, please go to https://ubf.org/staff_conference/ Pics Pic: 


Testimony of Jonathan Reese, an American Missioary to Indonesia!

Jan 18, 2013

Chicago UBF January 18, 2013 Repent, and believe the good news Mark 1:15  "The time has come, he said. the kingdom of God is near repent and believe the good n(...)


M. Sarah Barry was Released from the Hospital!

Jan 17, 2013

Chicago UBF January 17, 2013 We thank God that Mother Sarah Barry was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon and has come home to finish her recovery from pneumonia.(...)


Chicago UBF Hannah’s Meeting – sharing New Year key verse testimonies

Jan 16, 2013

Chicago UBF January 16, 2013 On Jan. 8, 2013, the women missionaries in Chicago UBF gathered together and shared New Year key verse testimonies.  We began with the hy(...)


Toronto UBF's Christmas Worship Service at the New Center

Jan 14, 2013

Toronto UBF, Canada January 14, 2013 “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11) Thank and praise God for(...)


Update of M. Sarah Barry’s Condition in Hospital

Jan 14, 2013

Chicago UBF January 14, 2013 Thank God for hearing our prayers for Mother Barry. After a successful procedure to remove fluid from her lungs she is recovering well from pneum(...)


2012 UBF Web Ministry

Jan 14, 2013

January 13, 2013 Therefore Go and Make Disciples of All Nations “Thereforego and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the(...)
