Beautiful Wedding between Daniel and Rejoice Shim, Chicago

Chicago UBF

January 25, 2013

January 19, 2013, a joyful and graceful wedding took place between Daniel Shim Jr., the son of Msn. Daniel and Hannah Shim of Chicago UBF, and Rejoice (Yanghee) Kim of Boston-2 UBF.  About 250 people came to bless the new family of God at the Chicago center.  Guests from outside of Chicago include Dr. William Jung (Boston2-UBF), Msn. Peter Lee (Koln UBF, Germany), Msn. Daniel and Miso Lee (South Africa), and Msn. Peter and Dr. Ruth Yoon (MSU UBF).  Rejoice’s mother, brother and sister also came from Korea.

The wedding ceremony was blessed and beautiful.  Pastor Abraham Kim gave the opening prayer.  The wedding was officiated by Pastor Ron Ward, and he delivered the wedding address from Gen 12:2, “You will be a blessing.”  It was a wonderful message about faith.  Abraham became a blessing, because by faith he became the ancestor of Jesus Christ, who came to die for our sin. Through faith in Christ, we have peace with God. 
Because peace is made through Christ, He comes to live in us.  He comes to give us life and to guide us by His Spirit, so that we may live according to his good purpose.  By faith, Daniel Shim Jr. became a blessing to his family and NEIU ministry.  By faith, Rejoice Kim became a blessing to Boston ministry, and now to NEIU ministry.  By faith, may God make them a blessing to students in America and beyond for campus mission.
Dr. James Kim, Msn. William Jung, Msn. Daniel Kim, Pastor Paul Ghilardi and Sh. Darren Gruett prayed to bless the newlyweds.  The orchestra and chorus offered a grand and majestic performance of Handel’s Messiah.  Philmar Mendoza sang a beautiful solo.    The father of the groom gave heartfelt thanks and praise to God for establishing this house church.  Dr. John Jun, who was Daniel’s Bible teacher, also gave a few words and closed with a benediction.

The reception immediately followed the ceremony, and was full of joy and celebration.  Matt Groter performed a beautiful violin solo for the couple.  Daniel’s childhood friends, Andrew Yoo, Peter Lee who came from Germany, and Paul Moon sang a joyful song with dancing.  Msn. Luke Moon sang a heart moving solo, “Sunrise, Sunset,” and Msn. Gideon Bahn offered an inspiring solo of the Lord’s Prayer. 

Daniel’s siblings, Michael, Mary and Ruth, and cousins, Sam and Elise Yoon from Michigan, sang a special family tribute.  As a special treat and thanksgiving for all the guests, the bride and groom performed a special duet of a song called “Household of Faith.”  It was very beautiful.
Thank God for establishing a precious house church between Daniel and Rejoice Shim!  Thank God for many wonderful coworkers involved in the wedding and preparation, including UBF Staff, the orchestra and chorus, Msn. Pauline Moon, Msn. Faith Grady, NEIU Coordinator Msn. Daniel Kim, Philmar Mendoza, Irma Zambrano, Jason Havey and all NEIU coworkers and friends who worked hard and volunteered to make this such a joyful and graceful day!  May everyone rejoice because of Daniel and Rejoice!  The church rejoices for another household of God!  May they be a blessing to students at NEIU campus and beyond, for the praise and glory of God!
Reported by Michael Mark