2012 UBF Web Ministry

January 13, 2013

Therefore Go and Make Disciples of All Nations

“Thereforego and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, andteaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19, 20)

Since UBF Web ministry began in 2007, the website has developed continually with one major change in 2011. Now the website has 5 main sections—Home, World Mission, Newsletters, Bible Study and Links—with 7 sections under the main sections. They are “About UBF, Endorsements, News (English), News (Korean), Journal (English), Journal (Korean) and International Office. The International Office was added last October. There are also side sections of Today’s Daily Bread, UBF Facebook and Recent Videos. From the Home page, there are Announcements, Top Headlines, World, Bible Study and Recent Videos. The World is again divided into Africa, Asia, C.I.S., Europe, Korea, Middle East, North America, Oceania and South America. On the bottom of the Home page, there are direct links to Chicago UBF, Washington UBF, Bonn UBF, Europe UBF, UBF TV, Korean UBF, SWS Reports and Contact us. Now UBF web has more than 280 links to different UBF chapters of the world.

The number of posted articles was over 500 during 2012: North America—170, Europe—61, Africa—66, South America—65, Asia & Oceania—54, Korea--61 and others—33; Total—511. The average number of visitors to each article was 1,000 – 1,100. The most visited single article was “Sao Paulo, Brazil UBF Mission Report and Prayer Topics” with 3,675 visits; the next was “Southern Region of Africa Int’l Conference” with 2,938 visits; and finally “2012 UBF USA/Canada Staff Conference Report” with 2,006 visits. UBF digital News Letters were posted twice on the Newsletter section and Chicago Sunday message and special lectures, guest speakers were played on Recent Videos. The important announcement and prayer topics were posted as well. Besides these, UBF Web has been used for on-line registration for Leadership Development Workshop, the Well and 2013 UBF International Summer Bible Conference. Especially, “Register for 2013 UBF International Summer Bible Conference August 1-4” has recorded 4,053 visitations so far and the numbers will be increased continually until the International conference is over.

The contents of articles in UBF website have been about the works of God, events, and prayer topics in various chapters of the world. When Dr. James Suh was sick, his healing progress had been updated on the web until he was completely healed. The wedding ceremony, home-coming ceremony, the celebration of a new born baby, graduation, receiving award, etc. have been seen on the web. All these facts show that UBF web has become the tool to communicate with each other among all the chapters and people of the world. It has made all the chapters in the world one body with the same prayer topics for world campus mission. It also has become a social network among God’ people in the world through the UBF Facebook Plugin. We praise God who has used UBF the website so preciously for his world campus mission work.

The future plan is to develop a new web page that is easier to open sections. Also an education website will be developed to post all Bible messages, lectures and questions for all 66 books of the Bible. We are always working on the contents of every article to make them more meaningful, using more accurate grammar and proper vocabulary. All the chapters of the world and all God’s workers of the world who are working for God may participate through sharing what God has done and through sharing prayer topics so that we may really become one in God, pray for each other and serve God’s mission for pioneering all the college campuses of the world.

The Website Team met Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings 9:00 a.m. at the Website room 2-W in Riyadh House. Through one person’s Daily Bread sharing, the meeting started and Dr. John Jun presided over the meeting. A team of editors representing each continent contacted the UBF leaders in their respective continents, received articles from them and also from various sources, and reported them to the Website team through Google Drive. The team then chose 2-3 articles that revealed God’s work, or contained urgent prayer topics and posted them the website. Editors representing each continent are as follows: Asia, Oceania, Africa and Korea—Isaac Lim, CIS and South America—Hannah Kuper, North America—Elijah Park and Europe—Deborah Yang. Grace Martin, Francesca Park and DK are among the proofreaders and Deborah Lim posted the articles daily. Paul Shin, Daniel Lee and Dorotea PaPa supported website technically.  The web team has the following prayer topics: that all the chapters of the world may share God’s works, news and prayer topics together through UBF web, more volunteers of God may work for UBF web as writers, proofreaders, photographers, and translators etc.. Also, we pray that in this year of 2013, more than 1,000 articles and prayer topics may be posted on the web along with more than 2,000 average visitors for each article.
