Chicago UBF Hannah’s Meeting – sharing New Year key verse testimonies

Chicago UBF

January 16, 2013

On Jan. 8, 2013, the women missionaries in Chicago UBF gathered together and shared New Year key verse testimonies.  We began with the hymn 460, “Be thou my vision.” M. Rebecca Choi delivered a message on Luke 18:1-14, “Always pray and not give up.”

Then we celebrated January birthdays: Mother Barry and M. Grace Jeon. Also, M. Maria Ahn shared a journey report on the Latin and European Director’s Conference in Spain and Sam & Curie’s wedding in Germany.

After eating dinner, we shared our key verse testimonies. A total of twelve members shared:

M. Rebekah Chung (Heb 11:6), M. Faith Grady (Mt 6:9,10), M. Sarah Sohn Kim (John 10:11, Eph 2:8), M. Joanne Kim (Mk 9:23), M. Deborah Yang (1Pe 2:9, Php 3:10), Mother Barry (Jn 17:25), M. Mary Park (Mk 9:29), M. Jane Park (Ps 1:41a), Dr. Sarah Kim (Eph 2:14), M. Grace Jeon (Mt 6:10, Eph 5:10), M. Anna Ahn (Eph 6:18), and M. Pauline Moon (Eph 6:18).

The rest of the women are scheduled to share next time. The testimonies were all full of grace. To name a few, M. Joanne’s testimony about her daughter who recognized her as a good shepherd and a spiritual leader was impressive. Her persistent early morning prayer has led her daughter to grow from a wild lamb to a gentle lamb. M. Joanne wants to go to the Middle East in four years. M. Grace Jeon shared that she read through the Bible once this year in the midst of full-time work and taking care of two young grandchildren. She choked up when she shared her thankful heart towards her daughter-in-law Mary who packed her lunches for her. Mother Barry’s attendance and sharing of her key verse was an encouragement to all of us. 

May God bless women of prayer and bless the church, America, and all nations.

By M. Rebecca Choi
