London UBF(Canada) held a Spring Retreat

London UBF, Canada 

April 4, 2013

Over the weekend of March 23-24, 2013, London Canada UBF held an intimate Spring Retreat at Maple Grove Retreat Centre (Saturday) and at our Bible centre (Sunday). God richly blessed our retreat entitled “Young Man, Get Up!” as all 18 attendants received the power of God’s words. We renewed our deep desire to be alive in spirit and respond to God who gives life.

We revisited a familiar passage (John 4:1-26 delivered by M. Caleb Park) and encountered the Living Water, Jesus. He offered the gift of God that can quench our thirsts. We were moved by the compassion and forgiveness Jesus had on us and we were no longer reluctant to come to Jesus with our darkness and wounds. Upon repentance, the Holy Spirit worked in us and unclogged our spring of living water.

There were two beautiful life testimonies shared by Lydia Kim and Anna Sung. The changes in their lives after meeting their personal Christ were incredible. They revealed the love of God and their aspiration to live as humble, yet influential women of God in this generation. M. Isaac Sung gave a PowerPoint presentation based on David Wheaton’s University of Destruction. It informed us the Pillars of Peril that describe the distraction and temptation students face in university. We gathered practical and biblical principles that will guide us to be Overcomers and also to raise Overcomers on our campus.

The night closed with a Praise and Prayer night. Our hearts were open as we confessed our faith to our God through songs. We were also given the opportunity to pray honestly and meet our personal God.

On Sunday, we studied the first occurrence of resurrection recorded in the Bible (Luke 7:11-17 delivered by M. John Kang). We heard Jesus’ voice loud and clear—“Young man, I say to you, get up!” We realized that we often enclose ourselves in our own coffin due to our sins. By grace alone, God calls us to live a vibrant, hopeful life in him. We learned that only through a relationship with God, our fears and sorrows are abolished, and we can truly be full of life.

Throughout the retreat, we have also witnessed how God used our 2nd gens preciously for they served music performances and skit dramas. Praise God for working among our students and leaders.

By Anna Sung
