The Work of God in Algonquin UBF

Algonquin UBF, Canada

May 2, 2013 

Devote Ourselves To Bible Study, Observance And Teaching

Annual Key verse - Ezra 7:10

"For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel."

I.  2012

God blessed Algonquin College Ministry in 2012 as well even though we made mistakes and didn't work hard for God's work. When we studied Elisha as a new year's bible study, we learned that Elisha's never-give-up prayer to get the double portion of Elijah's spirit. So, we started new year with Luke 18:1 "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up," which teaches us about a widow's never-give-up prayer spirit. We tried to pray without giving up and God answered our prayers.

We have started John's Gospel Bible Study since January 2012. John's Gospel was full of truth and grace of Jesus. From Fall semester we changed the bible study style. Usually the director has led the group study, but after Labour Day Leaders' Meeting (1stweek of September) we started Bible Study work-shop that one missionary leads in turn and makes questionnaire together as we learned at the Leaders' Meeting. It gave each missionary a chance to develop oneself as a bible teacher and group bible leader.

Female coworkers became full time students for government supported College Entrance Preparation Program since 2010 Fall Semester. Being full time students gave many benefits to serve God's ministry in Algonquin College. God used M. Rebecca Jeong and Rebekah Lee greatly to register student club at Algonquin. They went to school every day for the courses and prayed together and invited students together. God sent new bible students including Amanda (Business Admin 1), Yolanda (ESL), Jacky and Yijing. Amanda is a bible student of M. Rebekah Lee and she volunteered to be the president of our club (Algonquin Bible Club) this year. She's a sincere Catholic and loves Jesus and bible study with M. Rebekah. Occasionally she came to our services; in Thanksgiving Sunday and Christmas Service she sang some beautiful songs and had fellowship with us. M. Rebekah served Jacky with bible study and M.Rebecca served Yolanda and Yijing.

M. Rebekah Lee's 2 year bible student Emma (Computer Technologist 3) graduated in 2012 and got a job. She stopped bible study after graduation. Although, she had served as the vice-president of Algonquin Bible club until graduation and kindly forwarded to us the emails of students who were interested in bible study and our club. Tina graduated high school and entered Toronto University majored in Business. M. Rebekah Lee introduced her to St. George UBF and she's attending Sunday Service there and studying bible with S. Waw Paw. Sean who attended our services voluntarily since 2011 has got co-op position and couldn't attend our services. He brought a small hand drum and praised God with heart and we missed him.

In 2012 Fall semester we've got many emails from new students who saw our club ad and were interested in Christian student fellowship, and we had a student meeting in September. Amanda, Alisha (Graphics 1) and Becky attended. There were more students who wanted student meetings, but each student was busy with their own schedules and we couldn't continue the meeting. Through this we learned that 1:1 bible study is the best way to serve campus students individually.

Thank God for using M. Rebecca and Rebekah to serve campus ministry and new students with bible study and by serving many things during in 2012.

We had summer bible camp in August 4-6 at Rideau River camping site. 13 people attended the camp. Jacky, Yolanda and her daughter Marimar, Yolanda's friend Rudi and her daughter Jollie attended besides 2 our missionary families. We had free time and games and simple bible studies and messages and reflection time with camp fire each night. M. Timothy and Isaac served brief but deep messages and Becky served students group bible study and Isaac adults. First day was hot even in the night and second day was raining all day, but we enjoyed the summer in Christ in the forest. Thank God for providing us with the wonderful summer bible camp.

This year we didn't prepare a Christmas service much, but we celebrated Jesus from our hearts on December 23. Amanda, Jacky and Tina attended. Amanda sang two special songs and Becky and Lydia prepared a Radio drama about the meaning of Christmas. We heard message "The Good News of Great Joy" through Isaac Jeong. We all were happy to hear the Good News of Jesus in Christmas time.

Missionary Timothy started a denture clinic in Brockville, a small town 1 hour driving distance from Ottawa since October 2011. God blessed his business and gave many clients. He became so busy that he couldn't spend time much in Algonquin Ministry, but he prayed and served many senior people who are suffering without teeth with Jesus' heart. Through his gentle and skillful work, God blessed his business much financially. M. Isaac's company had another layoff in 2012 in 2 years, but God protected him from the crisis. M. Rebecca Jeong started her job as a part time hair stylist in a spa salon from July. She graduated a hair school in 2007 and had worked for 6 months, but stopped until 2012 to take care children and to serve campus ministry. God gave her a new job even in the long career gap. Thank God for blessing all missionaries' work and family.

God has been with 2ndGens. Becky is in 5thyear to finish Health Science in major and Psychology in minor and Lydia is in 3rdyear (Biochemistry) both in University of Ottawa. They were so busy in their school studies and part time jobs and volunteers, but they keep serving Sunday services with sing along and music. Bekah (Gr 11) and Caleb (Gr 9) are growing in faith. Bekah has served as an offering servant and singing praise with heart. Caleb became a high schooler and attends the same Catholic school with Bekah.  We are praying our 2ndGens to grow as shepherds for Canadian students.

Isaac's family visited Korea for 4 weeks in May. It has been 12 years for M. Rebecca and Lydia since they left Korea. Through God's grace, they were treated as VIPs. There was a mission team led by shepherd David Kim, Korean general director and shepherd Moses Yoon to trip major cities and all my family had privilege to join the trip. God used M. Isaac to share his life testimony along with missionaries from USA, Nigeria and Germany in Mission Report meetings in Seoul, Inje, Jeju, Gwangju and Daejun. Thank God for granting us a great opportunity to see God's ministries in Korea and to have fellowship with many servants of God.

II. 2013

Key verse of year 2013 of Algonquin ministry is Ezra 7:10. "For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel."

Ezra was a man of faith. He was a Persian official who was trusted by Persian King Artaxerxes that he was entrusted to lead Israel people to Jerusalem. He was a priest and bible teacher well versed in the Law. He had devoted himself to the study of the Law of the LORD. He was not only studying the bible but also observing it and teaching its decrees and laws in Israel. He asked God's help humbly by prayer and fasting. He repented when he saw the sins of Israel as if they were his own sins and fixed the wrong by faith. In a nutshell, he was a man of faith and excellent bible teacher and shepherd of Israel.

We missionaries were called by God's grace as bible teachers for campus souls. However, we didn't devote ourselves to the bible study and observance and teaching much. We said supporting family and heavy work at workplace and stresses prevented us from devoting ourselves to the God's ministry. However, that cannot be an excuse for our spiritual laziness and timidity.

Usually our number of 1:1 bible study is less than that of Sunday service attendants. That shows how much our missionaries don't focus on bible study and teaching. Being a chapter director, I repent that I didn't show an example as a bible teacher and shepherd for campus souls. I pray that we may devote ourselves to bible study and observance and teaching campus students with 1:1 this year.

Prayer topics:

  1. May each leader be an excellent bible teacher to serve at least 1 sheep each.
  2. May each one struggle well in spiritual basics to read and study bible, to pray and to write testimony.
  3. 15 worship service attendants and 15 team 1:1 bible study.

By Isaac Jeong
