NEIU Easter Bible School


Chicago UBF
March 30, 2013

At Easter we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, remembering His love for us and the sacrifice of His life on the cross to save us from our sins. In commemoration of this, NEIU held an Easter Bible school the week of March 18, running every evening, Monday through Friday. Our focus this year was on the gospel of Matthew, with each night covering a different portion of the Passion narrative (26:17-30; 26:36-46; 26:47-75; 27:11-66; 28:1-20).

Each fellowship teamed up with another fellowship and took charge of one night together. Since each team was autonomous, the result was that every night’s program was different from the other nights. This added to the creativity of the entire program, and it made each night’s program fresh.
The great benefit of looking at a large portion of Scripture like this is that in the course of one week we were able to hear the entire story of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection—something that normally would take weeks to cover on a Sunday morning. So for those who attended every night, they were able to take in the full impact of God’s love expressed through His Son.
The feedback was very positive, and it was clear that being able to gather like this and celebrate the Lord’s death and resurrection was encouraging to everyone. Not only that, but as we enjoyed the grace of God through His Word, we also enjoyed the fellowship with one another.
So with glory to God and gratitude in our hearts, we wholeheartedly express our praise to Him for giving us this time to worship Him and to remember again what Jesus has done for us.
By Darren Gruett