UBF News

Guelph UBF Annual Report 2013, Canada

Mar 14, 2014

Guelph, Ontario. Canada March 14, 2014 BE SHEPHERDS OF GOD’S FLOCK 1 Peter 5:2 I. Annual review of 2013 Last year, I wanted to grow as a workman approved by God by holding(...)


The Work of God in Iowa UBF 2013 & Prayer Topics

Mar 13, 2014

Iowa UBF March 13, 2014 Do What Is Good Titus 3:8 “This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devo(...)


Calgary UBF Annual Report, 2013

Mar 12, 2014

Calgary UBF, Canada March 12, 2014 I. 2013 Annual Review My annual key verse for 2013 was Acts 6:4, “and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” We studied(...)


Owens UBF Annual Report, 2013

Mar 11, 2014

Owens UBF March 11, 2014 I. 2013 Annual Review In 2013, Owens chapter served God’s work through Mark’s gospel. Chris Jewell and I alternately delivered Mark’s gospel messag(...)


George Mason UBF Annual Report

Mar 10, 2014

George Mason UBF I. 2013 Annual Review When I look back on this year, God led my life with Genesis Bible study and message. While I made every effort to survive in this diffic(...)


MSU UBF Annual Report 2013

Mar 10, 2014

MSU UBF March 10, 2014 1. 2013 review Through Friday night group Bible study and Sunday services we studied Luke’s gospel, 1st through 3rd letters of John for the Christian brother(...)


The Mother of M. Luke Hong's Passed Away

Mar 08, 2014

Dear Co-workers in Christ, Thank you for your prayer and love for me and my family. My mother had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease for the past 3-4 years. She had been prog(...)


The Work of God in Erie UBF

Mar 06, 2014

Erie UBF, US March 6, 2014 
 SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS I. 2013 Annual Review I chose Mt 7:7-8 as a key verse for 2013: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and(...)


Eau Claire UBF 2013 Review and 2014 Key Verse Testimony

Mar 05, 2014

Eau Claire UBF, US March 5, 2014 To Proclaim the Year of the Lord’s Favor “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sen(...)


Living Hope Symposium, Chicago UBF

Mar 03, 2014

Chicago UBF March 3, 2014 On Friday, February 28th we had a united Friday meeting to celebrate our 8-week study in 1 Peter. The title of the evening was “Living Hope Symposium.” A(...)


Denver UBF Report

Mar 03, 2014

Denver UBF March 3, 2014 I. 2013 Annual Review Key verse: Philippians 4:13 “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Thank God for guiding us through the year 2013! G(...)


The Work of God in LeHigh UBF

Feb 28, 2014

LeHigh UBF, US Febryary 28, 2014 THE LORD SEATED ON A THRONE “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe fill(...)
