UBF News

M. Timothy Park's Testimony-Death is at Work in Me, but Life is at Work in Me, T...

Jan 29, 2014

Humber UBF January 29, 2014 1 Corinthians 4:10-12 “We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who ar(...)


James Kim Jr. & Janet 's Graceful Wedding

Jan 28, 2014

Chicago IBF January 28, 2014 Graceful Wedding News of James Kim Jr. & Janet on January 18, 2014 James Kim Jr. and Janet had a beautiful outdoor wedding ceremony on a warm and b(...)


News & Prayer Topics from Gideon Klijian, Granada Hills UBF

Jan 27, 2014

Granada Hills UBF January 27, 2014 Jesus Came To Call Sinners I thank and praise Jesus for coming and calling sinners out of God's mercy and love. God has established our ministry(...)


New-York Regional Director’s Conference, US

Jan 22, 2014

USA January 21, 2014 On January 17th and 18th we had our Greater-New-York regional director’s conference at Stony Point, New Jersey. The attendants were: Pastor David Baik (New Yo(...)


Installation Ceremonies of Andy Stumpf & Andrew Christopher as Chapter Directors

Jan 21, 2014

Canada UBF January 21, 2014 We praise God for raising native Canadian shepherds as chapter directors; Andrew Christopher for Montreal UBF coordinator, and Andy Stumpf for Waterloo(...)


Prayer Request for M.Timothy Park in Humber, Canada

Jan 20, 2014

Humber UBF January 20, 2014 Dear Servants of God: May the Lord be with you as we start this new year, and may God strengthen you all the more. Yesterday, I visited M. Timothy Park(...)


M. Barry's Daily Bread Notes : 'Pentateuch', 'Luke & John', 'Matthew & Mark' E-B...

Jan 16, 2014

UBF Press January 16, 2014 M. Barry's Daily Bread Notes : 'Pentateuch', 'Luke & John', 'Matthew & Mark' E-books were published!. The E-books are available at A(...)


The Great Lakes Region Regional Staff Conference

Jan 14, 2014

N. America January 14, 2014 The Great Lakes Region had the regional staff conference on January 10,11, 2014, starting with the dinner on Friday and ending with the lunch on Saturd(...)


UBF Web is the Record of God’s History

Jan 13, 2014

UBF Headquarters January 13, 2014 Key Verse: Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” During(...)


Toledo UBF Christmas Celebration

Jan 07, 2014

Toledo UBF January 7, 2014 “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (Mt 2:2) For the second year in a row(...)


N. America Midwest Regional Staff Conference

Dec 30, 2013

USA December 30, 2013 The Lord blessed the Midwest Regional Staff Conference with 33 attendees (Dec. 26-28) at Wonderland Camp & Conference Center in Wisconsin. The grace of J(...)


2014 New Year’s Message - PREACH THE WORD

Dec 30, 2013

2014 New Year’s Message PREACH THE WORD 2 Timothy 3:10-4:8 Key Verses 4:2 “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with(...)
