Toledo UBF Christmas Celebration

Toledo UBF
January 7, 2014

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (Mt 2:2)

For the second year in a row Toledo did Advent as part of our Christmas preparation and celebration. We do four Christmas studies based on the themes of hope, love, joy and peace. We also did an Advent liturgy during our worship services and for each of the 4 weeks had a different family lead the liturgy and do the candle lighting. Some families also do evening Advent devotions and light candles at home. On Dec. 22nd, Kevin Reilly gave the final Christmas message based on the Magi’s journey. If you are interested in getting any Advent materials you can email me.

This Christmas we also had a Christmas party and celebration. We had games and activities, a delicious Christmas dinner and fellowship, a white elephant gift exchange and Santa even visited us and passed out gifts to everyone. It was truly a time of great joy and memory building for our humble community of believers.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

On behalf of Toledo UBF,
Greg Lewis
