Prayer Request for M.Timothy Park in Humber, Canada

Humber UBF
January 20, 2014

Dear Servants of God:

May the Lord be with you as we start this new year, and may God strengthen you all the more.
Yesterday, I visited M. Timothy Park and prayed with him. He was admitted to Princess Margaret Hospital which is a hospital specializing in cancer treatment. This hospital was the same one in which he was treated four years ago.

Actually, there was no room available for almost two weeks and we were praying for him to be admitted sooner. Then this Tuesday, when he went for a blood test, his condition was not good, and his temperature went up to 40 degrees, so the hospital right away asked him to stay and admitted him.

At present, his condition is a little more settled since he was admitted. He started his chemotherapy from Wednesday (12 hours per day) for one month to kill the cancer cells. Then he will be discharged for a while; after that he will be readmitted to the hospital for one month for the bone marrow transplant.

Prayer topics for him:

1. He may maintain his strength to go through chemotherapy by eating well and sleeping well at night.
2. He may be free from infection while receiving chemotherapy.
3. For the bone marrow transplant. (Thankfully, his brother's bone marrow matches with his bone marrow, but he still needs prayer support for this.)
4. May God give God's comfort and strength to M. Joanna and their three children. Next week, M. Joanna's aunt and uncle are coming to help them. I believe their coming will be a great help for them.

Thank you for your prayer support.