The Great Lakes Region Regional Staff Conference

N. America
January 14, 2014

The Great Lakes Region had the regional staff conference on January 10,11, 2014, starting with the dinner on Friday and ending with the lunch on Saturday, at Skyview Ranch, Millersburg OH, which is located in the middle of all the participating chapters.

11 people attended from 6 chapters: Akron-Isaac and Rebecca Kim, Cleveland-Whit Cha, Columbus-Henry and Pauline Park, Jeff Gathergood, Erie-Abraham Kim, Pittsburg-Tom Kalapas, and Toledo-Greg Lewis, Daniel Errett, Peter Park) A few people could not attend due to their work schedule.
Friday evening, Daniel Errett delivered a message based on Psalm 103. We learned from his message that we should praise God not just because he gave us what we wanted but mainly because of his characters—his mercy, compassion and forgiving love. And everyone shared the 2013 annual reports and 2014 new year key verses. Afterwards, we had an open discussion about the house church ministry. We had the meeting, sitting in front of a fire place. It was warm, cozy and comforting.

Saturday morning, Isaac Kim led the Bible study on 2 Timothy 3:10-4:8, Jeff Gathergood delivered the message. The Bible study and message renewed our hearts. We thank God for giving us the Scripture which is God-breathed. We thank God for giving us a clear command to preach the Word in season and out of season, with great patience and careful instructions, and to the end as Apostle Paul did. We believe that God will do his work of transforming young people of this generation into new creations and Jesus’ disciples and disciple-makers when we pray and devote ourselves in the ministry of the Word of God. We pray to study the Bible deeply and preach the Word in 2014. Overall we had a good fellowship with one another in Christ.

Thank you for your prayer support,

In Christ,
Henry Park
